Facts of Candela, Coahuila

In the {CHAT} chat, {NUM} active users have been registered.
The code of the federal entity is 5
The total surface area of Coahuila is large, measured in km².
The code 5 is used to distinguish between different municipalities or territorial demarcations within a federal entity.
The territorial demarcation Candela is well defined.
The locality code is 1.
The local community is mainly dedicated to agriculture.
In the Table 1: Outline of the article

Title: Candela, Coahuila: Discover the natural and cultural beauty of this magical town

I. Introduction
II. History of Candela, Coahuila
III. Tourist attractions of Candela, Coahuila
    A. Las Maravillas Natural Park
    B. Museum of Desert Culture
    C. San Jose Temple
    D. Main Square
IV. Cuisine of Candela, Coahuila
V. Outdoor activities in Candela, Coahuila
VI. Festivals in Candela, Coahuila
VII. How to get to Candela, Coahuila
VIII. Where to stay in Candela, Coahuila
IX. Tips for your visit to Candela, Coahuila
X. Conclusion
XI. Frequently Asked Questions

Table 2: Article about Candela, Coahuila

Candela, Coahuila: Discover the natural and cultural beauty of this magical town

If you are looking for a tourist destination that combines natural beauty with rich Mexican culture, look no further than Candela, Coahuila. This magical town is the perfect place to enjoy the tranquility of nature and the vibrant culture of the region.

History of Candela, Coahuila

Candela is a town located in the state of Coahuila, Mexico. It was founded in 1749 by the Spanish explorer José de Escandón y Helguera. During the colonial era, Candela was an important commercial and religious center. Today, the town is known for its rich history and beautiful colonial architecture.

Tourist attractions of Candela, Coahuila

Las Maravillas Natural Park

If you love nature, you can't miss Las Maravillas Natural Park. This park is home to a variety of flora and fauna, including giant cacti, deer, foxes, and coyotes. You can also enjoy a hike on the park's trails and admire the impressive rock formations.

Museum of Desert Culture

The Museum of Desert Culture is a must-visit for those interested in the history and culture of the region. The museum has a collection of pre-Hispanic and colonial artifacts, as well as exhibitions about life in the desert.

San Jose Temple

The San Jose Temple is an impressive colonial church built in the 18th century. The church features a beautiful baroque facade and an interior decorated with religious paintings and sculptures.

Main Square

The Main Square is the heart of Candela. Here you can enjoy the daily life of the town, sit on a bench, and admire the beautiful colonial architecture.

Cuisine of Candela, Coahuila

Food is an important part of Mexican culture and Candela is no exception. The town is known for its delicious grilled meat, prepared with the best cuts of beef and accompanied by freshly made tortillas and homemade guacamole. You can also try the corn tamales, a traditional dish of the region.

Outdoor activities in Candela, Coahuila

In addition to enjoying Las Maravillas Natural Park, Candela offers a variety of outdoor activities. You can take a hike on the park's trails, go horseback riding, or enjoy a bike ride through the town.

Festivals in Candela, Coahuila

Candela is famous for its festivals, including the Candelaria Fair in February and the Foundation Festival in September. During these festivals, the town comes alive with music, dance, and traditional food.

How to get to Candela, Coahuila

Candela is about four hours away from Monterrey, Nuevo León. You can get there by car or bus from the Monterrey bus station.

Where to stay in Candela, Coahuila

Candela offers a variety of lodging options, from hotels to guesthouses. Some popular options include the Boutique Hotel Casa de Piedra and the Posada del Desierto.

Tips for your visit to Candela, Coahuila

- Wear comfortable clothing and appropriate walking shoes.
- Don't forget to bring sunscreen and insect repellent.
- Try the delicious grilled meat of the region.
- Don't miss the local festivals.


Candela, Coahuila is a unique tourist destination that combines natural beauty with rich Mexican culture. From Las Maravillas Natural Park to beautiful colonial architecture, Candela has something for everyone. Don't miss the opportunity to visit this magical town and enjoy everything it has to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the best time of year to visit Candela, Coahuila?
The best time to visit Candela is during the spring and fall, when temperatures are more moderate.

2. Are there budget lodging options in Candela?
Yes, Candela has a variety of lodging options for all budgets.

3. Is it safe to visit Candela, Coahuila?
Yes, Candela is a safe place to visit. However, it is recommended to take the usual security precautions.

4. What other tourist destinations are near Candela, Coahuila?
Some nearby tourist destinations include Monterrey, Nuevo León and the El Cielo Biosphere Reserve in Tamaulipas.

5. Are there public transportation options in Candela, Coahuila?
Yes, Candela has a bus service that connects with other nearby cities. You can also rent a car to explore the region. chat, {NUM} active users have been registered.
The geographical point of the locality is {LONGITUDE} in longitude west of the Greenwich meridian.
The latitude of the city is {LATITUDE}.
The altitude of the town is {ALTITUDE} meters above sea level.
The total number of inhabitants is 1404 in this federal entity.
In the town Candela, 696 women reside there on a regular basis.
In the town of Candela, a male population of 708 is estimated.

Population Map Candela

The child population in the locality is 75 under the age of 3.
The female population from 0 to 2 years old is 39.
The male population from 0 to 2 years old in the region is 36, according to census data.
The population of Candela aged 3 years and over is 1329.
The number of women of all ages in Candela is 657.
The population of males aged 3 years or older is 672, according to available data.
There are 1272 people in this locality who are 5 years old or older.
The number of women over 5 years old in the population is 629.
Of the men in the population, 643 are 5 years old or older.
In Candela, there are 1085 residents who are 12 years old or older.
In the population of women aged 12 years and older, the number of individuals is 551.
The number of men in the population who are 12 years old or older is 534.
According to the records, there are 1005 individuals in this area who are 15 years old or older.
The number of women over 15 years old is 516.
The male population aged 15 and over in the locality is 489.
In this town, there is a total of 932 people who are over 18 years old.
In Candela, there are 477 women over 18 years old.
The number of adult men is 455.
The number of people between 3 and 5 years old in the region is 78.
The female population from 3 to 5 years old is 40 people.
The male population aged 3 to 5 years old is 38 in the locality.
The population of 6 to 11 year olds is 166 in this locality.
The female population aged 6 to 11 represents {PORC}% of the total women in the locality.
The number of boys aged 6 to 11 in the male population is 100.
There are 188 people in the population who are between 8 and 14 years old.
The number of women under 15 years of age is 75, according to census data.
The number of males between 8 and 14 years old in the population is 113.
Of the inhabitants of Candela, 80% correspond to young people between the ages of 12 and 14.
A total of 35 females between the ages of 12 and 14 have been registered in this region.
The male population aged 12 to 14 represents {PCT_12A14_M} of the total male population in the population.
The number of young people between 15 and 17 years old in the urban area is 73.
In Candela, there are 39 women aged 15 to 17 years old.
The number of men between 15 and 17 years old is 34 in the population.
The number of young people between 18 and 24 years old is 125 in this population.
The number of women aged 18 to 24 is higher than any other age group in this population, with a total of 62.
The number of men between 18 and 24 years old in the population is 63.
It is estimated that there are 316 women of reproductive age in the area.
There is a total of 252 people aged 60 or older in this area.
The proportion of women aged 60 and over in the total population is 117.
There is a total of 135 men aged 60 or older in this area.
The relationship between men and women in Candela is 101.72 men for every 100 women.
The percentage of the total population of Candela that corresponds to children under 15 years old is 399%.
The number of people of working age in Candela is 826.
The number of elderly people, aged 65 or older, in this locality is 179.
In Candela, the population of 0 to 4 years old is 132.
The number of women between 0 and 4 years old in the population is 67.
The number of males under 5 years old is 65.
The number of boys and girls between 5 and 9 years old in this city is 136.
Of all the women in Candela, 58% are between 5 and 9 years old.
In the total population, there are 78 males who are between 5 and 9 years old.
The number of people between 10 and 14 years old in the population is 131.
In the city of Candela, there are 55 women aged 10 to 14 years old.
The group of 10 to 14-year-old boys in Candela is composed of 76 individuals.
In the town of Candela, there are 113 young people between the ages of 15 and 19.
The female youth population represents a total of 60 individuals.
The male population in the age range of 15 to 19 years old is 53.
The number of people between 20 and 24 years old in this locality is 85.
The number of women between 20 and 24 years old is 41 in this location.
The number of men aged 20 to 24 years old is 44, according to the available data.
There is a total of 65 people between the ages of 25 and 29 in this locality. ¿Do you need more information about Mexico? Visit MexFacts com, and you will find it
In the female population aged 25 to 29, there is a total of 38 women.
The number of men between 25 and 29 years old in the population is 27.
The age group of 30 to 34 years represents {PORC}% of the total population in Candela.
The female population aged 30 to 34 in this location is 38.
The number of men aged 30 to 34 in this area is 38.
The employment rate for people aged 35 to 39 in Candela is {TASA_EMPLEO_35A39}%.
The number of women between 35 and 39 years old in the population is 47.
The number of men between 35 and 39 years old in Candela is 43.
The population aged 40 to 44 is 74 people.
There is a total of 36 women between the ages of 40 and 44 in this area.
The number of men in the age range of 40 to 44 years old is 38, according to the collected data.
In the city of Candela, the population of people between 45 and 49 years old is 103 individuals.
The number of women aged 45 to 49 in the female population is 56.
The number of men aged 45 to 49 in the population is greater than that of women in the same age range, with a total of 47 men.
The number of people between 50 and 54 years old in this locality is 75.
In this place, there are 43 women between the ages of 50 and 54 years old.
In Candela, the male population aged 50 to 54 is 32.
The population of people aged between 55 and 59 years old in Candela is 72 inhabitants.
The number of women between 55 and 59 years old is 40, according to the collected data.
The male population between 55 and 59 years old in Candela is 32.
The number of people between 60 and 64 years old in this locality is 73.
The number of women aged 60 to 64 in the population is 30 people.
The male population aged 60 to 64 represents {PERCENTAGE}% of the total male population in the population.
The percentage of women aged 65 to 69 in the total population is 50%.
The number of women aged 65 to 69 is higher than that of men in the same age group, with a total of 27 women.
The group of men between 65 and 69 years old has a population of 23, according to the census carried out.
The number of women aged 70 to 74 in the population is 49, while that of men is 49.
In Candela, there are 22 women between 70 and 74 years old.
The percentage of men aged 70 to 74 in the population is 27%.
The number of people between 75 and 79 years old in the population is 28.
The number of women between 75 and 79 years old is 12 inhabitants.
The male population aged 75 to 79 years in Candela is 16 people.
The population group aged 80 to 84 years old has 30 individuals in this area.
In the city of Candela, there are 14 women between 80 and 84 years old.
The number of men aged 80 to 84 in the population is 16, according to the collected data.
The number of people aged 85 or older in the population is 22.
Of women over 85 years old, 12 are widows.
There is a total of 10 men aged 85 or older in the population.

Birth Statistics in Candela, Coahuila

Of the women aged 12 to 130 years old who specified the number of live births, the average is 2.67.
The city of Candela has a population of {PBL} inhabitants, of which {PORC}% were born in the 1128 region.
The number of women born in 554 is {PBL} in total.
The population of native men in the region is 574.
The number of individuals who are not originally from this region is 263.
The number of women who are not originally from this federal entity and live here is 134.
Of the male inhabitants of the locality, 129 are originally from other states.
In March 2015, the federal entity had a population of 5 years and older of 1229 inhabitants.
In the federal entity in question, the female population aged 5 years or older in March 2015 was 608.
In the federal entity in question, the male population aged 5 years and older in March 2015 was 621.
In Candela, in March 2015, there were 41 people over the age of 5 who resided in another federal entity.
In Candela, there were a total of 20 women over 5 years old who resided in another entity in March 2015.
It is estimated that in March 2015, 21 men aged 5 years or older were residing in another federative entity, regardless of their place of origin.

Candela and Indigneous Population

The number of inhabitants in this area who speak an indigenous language and are 3 years old or older is 0.
Of the women from 0 who speak an indigenous language, {PORC}% are over 18 years old.
The male population who speaks any indigenous language aged 3 years and older is 0.
The majority of people who speak an indigenous language in the population do not speak Spanish, with a total of 0 people.
The number of women aged 3 years and older who speak some indigenous language and do not speak Spanish is 0.
Of the men aged 3 years and older in the region, 0 do not speak Spanish and speak some indigenous language.
Throughout the country, 0 people aged 3 and older speak some indigenous language and Spanish.
The number of women aged 3 or older who speak an indigenous language and Spanish is 0 in this place.
The number of men who speak an indigenous language and Spanish in Candela is 0.
The number of people over 4 years old who speak some indigenous language is 0.
In the town of Candela, the percentage of people aged 5 and over who speak an indigenous language and do not speak Spanish is {PORC}%.
There is a total of 0 people in the population of 5 years or older in Candela who speak some indigenous language and also speak Spanish.
The number of people who make up indigenous census households is 0.
In Candela, there is a total of 14 people who identify as Afro-Mexican or Afro-descendant.
In comparison to the total population, Afro-descendant women have a higher educational rate of 7%.
Of the male population in Mexico, 7 are considered Afro-Mexican or Afro-descendants.

People with disabilities in Candela

The number of people with disabilities in this population is 76.
In Candela there is a population with disabilities to walk, climb or descend of 34 people.
Among the population with disabilities in Candela, 37% present difficulties to see, even with corrective lenses.
The population with a disability to speak or communicate is 7, according to statistics.
In the last census, 13 people with hearing disabilities were registered, even when using hearing aids in Candela.
In the town of Candela, it is estimated that 16 people have disabilities when it comes to dressing, bathing, or eating.
The population with disabilities to remember or concentrate in Candela is 10 individuals.
According to the gathered data, it is estimated that 155 people in Candela have limitations.
The percentage of people with limitations to walk, climb or descend in the population is 55%.
In Candela, the number of people with limitations to see, even when using glasses, is 113.
Most people with limitations to speak or communicate in the population are between 8 and 8 years old.
The number of people with hearing impairment, even when using hearing aids in the population is 29.
In the population, 6 people have limitations to perform basic activities such as dressing, bathing or eating.
The number of people with a limitation to remember or concentrate in the population is 20, according to statistics.
The number of people with some kind of mental problem or condition in the total population is 11.
According to the health records of Candela, the number of people without disability, limitation, problem, or mental condition is 1168.

Candela, Coahuila and Education

Of the 45 boys and girls between 3 and 5 years old in the area, a number of {NOA_ESC} do not attend school.
In Candela, the number of 3 to 5-year-old girls who do not attend school is 17.
In Candela, the number of male children aged 3 to 5 who do not attend school is 28.
The child population that does not attend school in this place is 22.
In Candela, 8 girls between the ages of 6 and 11 who are not enrolled in school are registered.
The male population between 6 to 11 years old who do not attend school in this area is 14.
In Candela, there are 14 people between 12 and 14 years old who do not attend school.
In the town of Candela, the female population between the ages of 12 and 14 who do not attend school is 6 people.
There is a total of 8 men between 12 and 14 years old who do not attend school.
The number of high school students in this area is 49 people.
The number of women between 15 and 17 years old who attend school in this locality is 30.
The school attendance of males aged 15 to 17 in the population is represented by 19.
In Candela, there is a total of 22 young people between the ages of 18 and 24 who are currently attending school.
Of all the women attending school, 40% are between 18 and 24 years old, representing a total of 9 women.
The number of men between 18 and 24 years old who attend school is 13.
Of the total population of {PBL} inhabitants, 2 correspond to boys and girls between 8 and 14 years old who do not have literacy skills.
The female population between 8 and 14 years old who cannot read or write amounts to 0 in this population.
In Candela, there are 2 men between 8 and 14 years old who do not know how to read or write.
The number of illiterate people over 15 years old in the region is 79.
There are 36 women over 15 years old who cannot read or write in this area.
In the city of Candela, there are 43 men over 15 years old who do not have basic reading and writing skills.
In the population of {PBL} people in Candela, 101 have not completed any level of education or only have preschool level.
According to the collected data, in Candela there are 45 women over 15 years old who have not attended school.
Of the male population aged 15 and over, 56 has no formal education or only has preschool level education.
The variable 114 includes all individuals aged 15 and over who did not complete their primary education.
Among women aged 15 and older, 60 have not completed their primary education, according to the collected data.
The number of men aged 15 years or older who did not complete primary school in their formal education is 54.
The number of people with at least completed primary education in the population aged 15 and over is 216.
The number of women with completed primary education is 102 among the female population aged 15 and over.
In Candela, the number of men over 15 years old with complete primary education is 114.
The number of people aged 15 and over with incomplete secondary education in the region is 20.
The number of women aged 15 and over with incomplete secondary education is 11 in this population.
The number of men over 15 years old with incomplete secondary education is 9.
In the population of 15 years or older, 269 people have completed their secondary education.
The number of women with at least 3 approved degrees in secondary school is 141.
The male population aged 15 and over with completed secondary education in Candela is 128.
In the region, the number of people with post-secondary education is 242.
The number of women aged 18 and over with post-secondary education is 131.
In this locality, the male population aged 18 and over with post-basic education is 111.
The education index of the community is 7.81.
The average schooling of women in the population is 8.02.
The average educational level of men is 7.58.

Active Workers in Candela

The economically active population in the area is 439 people over 12 years old.
PEA_F represents the number of women aged 12 and over who are working or seeking employment, with this value being 108.
In Candela, the number of economically active men over 12 years old is 331.
The population of Candela aged 12 and over who are not economically active is 643 people.
The number of women aged 12 and over who are not economically active is 441.
In Candela, the male population aged 12 and over who are not economically active is 202.
In this locality, the number of people aged 12 and over who are working is 390.
The percentage of women over 12 years of age employed in this locality is 103%.
The number of employed men over the age of 12 is 287 people.
The population of 49 unemployed persons aged 12 and over is significant in the region.
The percentage of women over 12 years old without employment is 5%.
The number of men over 12 years old who are unemployed is 44.

The community of Candela and healthing services

According to the collected data, the number of people who do not have access to health services in this area is 242.
The population with health services is 1161 people.
The number of people affiliated to health services in IMSS is 210.
The ISSSTE has a population affiliated with health services from 200 throughout the country.
In the state ISSSTE, there are 35 people affiliated with health services.
The number of people affiliated with health services in PEMEX, Defense or Navy is 3.
In Candela, the population affiliated with health services at the Institute of Health for Well-being is 621.
IMSS BIENESTAR has 10 affiliated individuals to health services throughout the country.
In this area, the number of people affiliated to health services in a private institution is 37.
Of the people who have health insurance, 47 are affiliated with health services in another institution.

Single and Married population in Candela, Coahuila

The number of single or never married individuals over the age of 12 in the population is 333.
The number of married or cohabiting people over 12 years old is 636.
In Candela, the population aged 12 and over who were married or in a union is 116.
Of the total population, a percentage of 1208 follows the Catholic religion.
It is estimated that 99 people in the population of Candela are of Protestant/Evangelical Christian religion.
Although most of the population follows the most popular religions, it is estimated that 1 people have different beliefs.
Of the 94 inhabitants of this locality, a significant percentage do not identify with any religion.
The number of households surveyed in Candela is 403.
Of the census households in Candela, 116 have a woman as the reference person.
The number of census households with a male reference person is 287.
The number of inhabitants in census households is 1404. ¿Do you need more information about Mexico? Visit MexFacts com, and you will find it
The number of census households with a woman as the reference person is 364.
The variable PHOGJEF_M indicates the number of census households with a male reference person, and in this case it is 1040.

Houses maps in the compunity of Candela

The number of homes in Candela is 866.
The number of inhabited homes in Candela is 403.
859 private homes were registered in the area.
Currently there are 396 privately owned houses occupied.
The census indicates that there are 402 inhabited private households with the mentioned characteristics in the region.
In Candela there are 403 privately owned homes that are inhabited in total.
In this area there are 242 unoccupied private homes.
The number of temporary private housing units is 221.
The number of inhabitants in private households is 1404.
On average, 3.48 people live in a private house.
The average number of occupants per room in inhabited private households in Candela is 0.9.
In Candela, there are 402 private homes with flooring made of material other than dirt.
In Candela there are 0 inhabited private homes with dirt floors.
Private homes occupied with one bedroom total 125.
The number of privately owned homes inhabited with two or more bedrooms is greater than that of those with fewer bedrooms, with 277 being the corresponding value.
The number of inhabited private households with only one room is 5.
In Candela, the majority of inhabited private dwellings have two rooms, with a total of 46.
The majority of privately inhabited homes in Candela have at least 3 rooms, with a total of 351 households in this category.
There are 400 privately inhabited homes with electric power in this area.
Of all the inhabited private dwellings in Candela, 2% do not have electricity.
In the residential area of Candela, there are 398 privately owned homes with piped water inside.
The public water service supplies 391 privately owned homes with piped water.
In Candela, private homes inhabited in the context of 4 housing do not have piped water.
In Candela, 248% of inhabited private homes have a water tank.
Of the inhabited private homes in this region, 22 have a cistern or well.
Of the inhabited private dwellings, 386 have a toilet or bathroom.
11% of the inhabited private homes in this area have a latrine (well or hole).
The number of privately owned homes with drainage is 389.
In Candela there are 13 inhabited private homes that do not have drainage.
In Candela, there are 386 inhabited private homes that have access to electricity, piped water from the public network, and drainage.
There are 1 private households inhabited without access to electric power, piped water, or drainage in the locality.
The number of private homes with drainage and sanitation with water intake in this locality is 384.
A number of 151 private households in this area do not have a car, truck, motorcycle, or scooter.
The lack of goods in privately inhabited households is a problem that affects 0 homes.
389 households with a refrigerator are registered in this area.
The average of inhabited private households that have a washing machine in Candela is 360, which indicates a good quality of life in the city.
The majority of inhabited private dwellings, 241%, have a microwave oven.
Of the inhabited private homes in Candela, 250% have a car or truck.
On average, each inhabited private dwelling with a motorcycle or scooter in Candela has 25 vehicles of this type.
On average, 144% of inhabited private homes in Candela use bicycles as a means of transportation.
The number of inhabited private homes with a radio is 257.
The number of occupied private households with a television is 374.
In Candela, there are 66 private households that have a computer, laptop or tablet.
It has been registered that 77 inhabited private households have a fixed telephone line in the region.
366% of inhabited private households have a cell phone.
67% of inhabited private homes have internet connection.
Pay television service is available in 330 inhabited private homes.
On average, 12% of the inhabited private households in Mexico have access to paid movies, music or video services through the internet.
A total of 9 inhabited private households have a video game console.
The number of privately owned homes inhabited without a radio or television is 15.
The number of inhabited private households without a fixed telephone line or cell phone in Candela is 23.
309% of private homes in Candela do not have a computer or internet.
The number of inhabited private households without information and communication technologies (ICT) in Candela is 4.
The population of Candela is approximately 4 inhabitants.