cultivation-food-products-greenhouses-protected-agricultural-structures.php Cultivation of other food products in greenhouses and other protected agricultural structures en Mexico - Mexico Facts

Cultivation of other food products in greenhouses and other protected agricultural structures

Mexican directory related to Cultivation of other food products in greenhouses and other protected agricultural structures, with mexvalue of 111419.

Mexico has a long history of agriculture and is known for its production of various food products. With the increasing demand for fresh produce throughout the year, the cultivation of other food products in greenhouses and other protected agricultural structures has become a popular trend in the country. Greenhouses provide a controlled environment for growing crops, protecting them from extreme weather conditions, pests, and diseases. This allows farmers to grow crops throughout the year, regardless of the season. In Mexico, greenhouses are commonly used for growing tomato, cucumber, pepper, and strawberry. Apart from greenhouses, other protected agricultural structures such as shade houses, net houses, and tunnels are also used for growing crops. These structures provide partial protection from the elements and are suitable for crops that do not require complete protection. The cultivation of other food products in greenhouses and other protected agricultural structures has several advantages. Firstly, it increases the yield and quality of crops. Secondly, it reduces the use of pesticides and herbicides, making the crops healthier and safer for consumption. Lastly, it provides employment opportunities and contributes to the economy of the country. In conclusion, the cultivation of other food products in greenhouses and other protected agricultural structures is a growing trend in Mexico. It provides a sustainable solution to the increasing demand for fresh produce throughout the year, while also benefiting the farmers and the economy of the country.

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