Facts of Hermosillo, Sonora

In the {CHAT} chat, {NUM} active users have been registered.
The code of the federal entity is 26
In Sonora is located the city of Hermosillo, one of the most important in the country.
To identify the corresponding municipality, it is necessary to use the code 30.
The city of Hermosillo has a territorial demarcation called Hermosillo.
The 1 code is key to locating the locality within the Geo-statistical Framework.
Tourism is one of the main economic activities in the area.
The chat Table of Contents I. Introduction II. History of Hermosillo, Sonora III. Climate and Geography of Hermosillo, Sonora IV. Economy of Hermosillo, Sonora V. Culture and Tourism in Hermosillo, Sonora VI. Education in Hermosillo, Sonora VII. Health in Hermosillo, Sonora VIII. Transportation in Hermosillo, Sonora IX. Safety in Hermosillo, Sonora X. Conclusions XI. Frequently Asked Questions Article Introduction Hermosillo is the capital of the state of Sonora, located in the northwest of Mexico. With a population of over 800,000 inhabitants, it is the largest city in Sonora and the fifth largest city in Mexico. In this article, we will explore the history, climate, economy, culture, education, health, transportation, and safety of Hermosillo. History of Hermosillo, Sonora Hermosillo was founded in 1700 by the Spanish Jesuit missionary Eusebio Francisco Kino. The city was named in honor of the Spanish bishop Juan Jacobo de Hermosillo. During the Mexican War of Independence, Hermosillo was an important center of military activity. In 1828, Hermosillo became the capital of the state of Sonora. Climate and Geography of Hermosillo, Sonora Hermosillo is located in the desert region of northwest Mexico. The climate is dry and warm for most of the year, with temperatures that can exceed 40 degrees Celsius in summer. The city is surrounded by mountains and hills, making it an attractive place for nature lovers and outdoor sports enthusiasts. Economy of Hermosillo, Sonora The economy of Hermosillo is mainly based on agriculture, mining, and manufacturing. The city is an important center of food production, especially beef and wheat. It is also an important center of metal and mineral production, such as copper and gold. Culture and Tourism in Hermosillo, Sonora Hermosillo has a rich culture and heritage, reflected in its festivals, museums, and historic sites. The city is known for its traditional music and dance, such as the deer dance and mariachi music. Tourists can visit the Museum of Popular and Indigenous Cultures of Sonora, the Sonora Art Museum, and the Cathedral of the Assumption of Hermosillo. Education in Hermosillo, Sonora Hermosillo has a wide variety of educational institutions, from basic education to higher education. The city has a public university, the University of Sonora, as well as several private universities. There are also a large number of public and private primary and secondary schools. Health in Hermosillo, Sonora Hermosillo has a good health infrastructure, with several public and private hospitals and clinics. The main hospitals include the General Hospital of the State of Sonora and the CIMA Hermosillo Hospital. The city also has a large number of doctors and specialists in various areas of medicine. Transportation in Hermosillo, Sonora Hermosillo has an efficient public transportation system, including buses and taxis. The city also has an international airport, the Hermosillo International Airport, which connects the city to other parts of Mexico and the world. Safety in Hermosillo, Sonora Hermosillo is a safe city compared to other cities in Mexico. However, like in any city, it is important to take safety precautions, especially in tourist areas and at night. It is recommended to avoid walking alone at night and to stay in well-lit and busy areas. Conclusions Hermosillo is a vibrant and diverse city, with a rich history and culture. The city has a growing economy and a good infrastructure of health and education. Tourists can enjoy its cultural heritage and natural beauty, while residents can enjoy a good quality of life and growth opportunities. Frequently Asked Questions 1. What is the best time to visit Hermosillo? 2. What are the main tourist attractions in the city? 3. How is the public transportation system in Hermosillo? 4. Is Hermosillo a safe city to live in? 5. What are the main industries in the city? has been used by users from all over the world.
The town Hermosillo is located at a longitude of 110°57'30.469" W to the west of the Greenwich meridian.
Latitude is {LATITUDE} north of the equator.
The altitude of the town is {ALTITUDE} meters above sea level.
In the territorial demarcation, the number of people who reside permanently is 855563.
The female population who did not specify their age is 431621.
A total of 423942 men were registered in private homes without information about occupants.

Population Map Hermosillo

The number of people from 0 to 2 years old in the area is 31858.
The female infant population from 0 to 2 years old is 15680.
The male population aged 0 to 2 years old is 16178 in the urban area of the city.
The population of Hermosillo aged 3 years and over is 822892.
The female population aged 3 years and over is 415542 people.
In Hermosillo, the male population aged 3 years and over is 407350.
The number of people over 5 years old in this area is 797307.
Of the women who make up the population, 402897 are 5 years or older.
Of the men in the population, 394410 are 5 years old or older.
In this city there are 699434 inhabitants over 12 years old.
The number of women over 11 years old in Hermosillo is 355024.
The male population aged 12 or older is 344410, according to the data.
The number of inhabitants over 14 years old is 656217.
The number of women over 15 years old is 334013.
The male population over 15 years old in Hermosillo is 322204.
In this town, there is a total of 614432 people who are over 18 years old.
The number of adult women in the region is 313576, according to available data.
The male population aged 18 and over is 300856.
The child population aged 3 to 5 years old in the locality is 39260 inhabitants.
The number of women between 3 and 5 years old in the population is 19320.
In the region, a male population between the ages of 3 and 5 is counted as 19940.
The population of 6 to 11 year olds is 84198 in this locality.
The number of women between 6 and 11 years old is 41198 in the region.
In the city of Hermosillo, there are 43000 children between 6 and 11 years old.
The number of people between 8 and 14 years old in the population is 99779.
The number of girls between 8 and 14 years old living in Hermosillo is 48655.
The male population between 8 and 14 years old is 51124 in this area.
Of the inhabitants of Hermosillo, 43217% correspond to young people between the ages of 12 and 14.
The number of women aged 12 to 14 years old in this population is 21011.
The proportion of 12 to 14-year-old boys in the population is {PCT_12A14_M}%.
The number of people between 15 and 17 years old in the population is 41785.
The female population aged 15 to 17 years old in Hermosillo is 20437 people.
The number of men between 15 and 17 years old is 21348 in the population.
The number of young people between 18 and 24 years old is 106255 in this population.
The number of women aged 18 to 24 is 52634
The proportion of men aged 18 to 24 in the population is {PERCENTAGE}%.
It is estimated that there are 233731 women of reproductive age in the area.
The number of inhabitants aged 60 or older in this area is 97155.
In the city of Hermosillo, the female population aged 60 and over is 53236.
There is a total of 43919 men aged 60 or older in this area.
In Hermosillo there are 98.22 men for every 100 women.
The number of school-age boys and girls in Hermosillo is 198533.
In Hermosillo there is a population of 593620 people of working age.
In Hermosillo, the number of people over 65 years old is 62597.
The number of people between 0 and 4 years old in this area is 57443.
The female population in preschool age is 28325.
The number of boys aged 0 to 4 in the male population is 29118.
The number of boys and girls in the age range of 5 to 9 years old in Hermosillo is 69220.
In Hermosillo, there are 33899 women between 5 and 9 years old.
In the total population, there are 35321 males who are between 5 and 9 years old.
In Hermosillo, the population of 10 to 14 year olds is 71870.
The female population aged 10 to 14 represents {PORCENTAJE}% of the total population.
In the city of Hermosillo there are 36885 boys aged 10 to 14 years old.
It is estimated that in this locality there are 71918 people aged between 15 and 19 years old.
The number of women between 15 and 19 years old is 35336.
In Hermosillo, there are 36582 men between 15 and 19 years old.
Most people in this age range are between {EDADMIN} and {EDADMAX} years old, with a total of 76122 inhabitants.
In the town of Hermosillo, the female population aged 20 to 24 is 37735 inhabitants.
In the selected locality, there are 38387 men who are in the age range of 20 to 24 years old.
The number of people between 25 and 29 years old in this population is 72400.
The female population in the age range of 25 to 29 years old is 35985.
The male population aged 25 to 29 is 36415, according to the collected data.
In Hermosillo, the number of men between 30 and 34 years old is {HOMBRES} and the number of women in that age range is {MUJERES}.
The number of women between 30 and 34 years old in this region is 33581.
33891 men between the ages of 30 and 34 reside in this locality.
The population of 35 to 39 year-olds in Hermosillo is 63120 people.
In the city of Hermosillo, the female population aged 35 to 39 is 31460.
In the city of Hermosillo, the male population aged 35 to 39 is 31660 people.
In this city, the population of 40 to 44 year olds is 60719 inhabitants.
The number of women between 40 and 44 years old in this area is 30735.
The number of men in the age range of 40 to 44 years old is 29984, according to the collected data.
The population of people between 45 and 49 years old in Hermosillo is 56882 individuals.
In the age range of 45 to 49 years old, the female population is 28899.
The number of men between 45 and 49 years old in the population is 27983.
The population of 50 to 54-year-olds in Hermosillo is 50072 inhabitants.
The female population aged 50 to 54 years in this area is 25900.
The number of men in the age range of 50 to 54 years old is 24172.
The number of people between 55 and 59 years old in Hermosillo is 40357.
In Hermosillo, there are 21146 women between 55 and 59 years old.
The male population between 55 and 59 years old in Hermosillo is 19211.
The number of people between 60 and 64 years old in this locality is 34558.
The female population of middle age, between 60 and 64 years old, is 18422 individuals.
The number of men over 60 years old in the population is 16136, of whom {PORCENTAJE}% are between 60 and 64 years old.
The number of people between 65 and 69 years old in Hermosillo is 23719.
The number of women between 65 and 69 years old is 12774.
The group of men between 65 and 69 years old has a population of 10945, according to the census carried out.
The number of people between 70 and 74 years old is 16488 in the population.
Regarding the female population, there are 9053 women who are in the age range of 70 to 74 years old.
The male population aged 70 to 74 represents 7435% of the total male population in the population.
The number of people between 75 and 79 years old in the population is 10884.
The female population in the age range of 75 to 79 years old is 6082 people.
The group of men aged 75 to 79 years in Hermosillo has a population of 4802 individuals.
In this region, the number of people aged between 80 and 84 years old is 6598. ¿Do you need more information about Mexico? Visit MexFacts com, and you will find it
The number of women aged between 80 and 84 years old in the population is 3796.
The number of men over 80 years old in the population is 2802, according to official records.
In the city of Hermosillo, there is a total of 4908 people aged 85 or older.
On average, women aged 85 years and older have a life expectancy of {ESP_VIDA} years.
In the male population, 1799 are men aged 85 years or older.

Birth Statistics in Hermosillo, Sonora

The average number of live births in women aged 12 to 130 years old is 1.87.
In the 750836 entity, {PBL} people reside who were born in another federal entity.
In Hermosillo, {PBL} women born in the state of 380849 are registered.
In the home state, the male population is 369987.
The number of individuals who are not originally from this region is 94189.
In Hermosillo, 45740 women who were born in another state reside.
In Hermosillo there are 48449 men who were born in another state within the Mexican federation.
In March 2015, the federal entity had a population of 5 years and older of 774723 inhabitants.
In the federal entity in question, the female population aged 5 years or older in March 2015 was 392537.
By the year 2015, there were 382186 men over 5 years old living in the federal entity.
In March 2015, there were 18407 people over 5 years old who lived in another federal entity.
The female population aged 5 years or older who resided in another entity in March 2015 amounted to 8622.
In March 2015, there were 9785 men aged 5 or older residing in another federal entity.

Hermosillo and Indigneous Population

In Hermosillo there is a population of 4012 people who speak some indigenous language and are 3 years old or older.
On average, each household in Hermosillo has {AVG} women aged 3 years and older who speak an indigenous language.
The male population who speaks any indigenous language aged 3 years and older is 2360.
In Hermosillo, there are 11 people who speak an indigenous language and do not speak Spanish.
The number of women over 3 years old who speak an indigenous language and do not speak Spanish is 7 in this region.
There is a total of 4 men aged 3 and older who speak an indigenous language and do not speak Spanish in the region.
In Hermosillo, there are 3818 people aged 3 years and older who speak some indigenous language and also speak Spanish.
There are 1566 women aged 3 years or older who speak an indigenous language and Spanish in this region.
Of the men aged 3 years or older in this area, 2252 speak some indigenous language and Spanish.
There is a total of 3996 people over 5 years old who speak some indigenous language in the population.
Throughout the country, there are 11 people aged 5 and over who speak an indigenous language and do not speak Spanish.
The number of people who speak an indigenous language and Spanish in Hermosillo is 3808, for those who are 5 years old or older.
In the city or town Hermosillo, there is a total of 9144 indigenous census households.
The number of people who consider themselves Afro-Mexican or of African descent in this population is 18933.
The average age of Afro-Mexican women is 9373 years.
In the city of Hermosillo, the male Afro-Mexican or Afro-descendant population is 9560 inhabitants.

People with disabilities in Hermosillo

The number of people with disabilities in this population is 37201.
The number of people with motor disabilities in the population is 17675.
The percentage of people with visual disabilities in the total population of Hermosillo is 15526%, which is approximately equivalent to {PBL*PCDISC_VIS/100} inhabitants.
The number of people with disabilities to speak or communicate is 5393, according to records.
The proportion of people with hearing disabilities, even when using hearing aids in Hermosillo, is 6738% of the total population.
The number of people who cannot dress, bathe or eat without assistance is 7634.
In Hermosillo, there are 7242 people with disabilities to remember or concentrate.
According to the gathered data, it is estimated that 87194 people in Hermosillo have limitations.
In Hermosillo, there are 24228 people with limitations to walk, climb or descend.
The population with limited vision, even when using glasses, is 54314.
The percentage of people with limitations to speak or communicate in the population is 4902%.
According to records, there are a total of 15625 people in the population with hearing impairment, even with the help of a hearing aid.
In the population, 3758 people have limitations to perform basic activities such as dressing, bathing or eating.
The number of people with a limitation to remember or concentrate in the population is 17310, according to statistics.
It is estimated that 12719 people in the population have some mental problem or condition that affects their daily life.
En comparación con otras ciudades, Hermosillo tiene una población con un número menor de personas con discapacidades o limitaciones, con un total de 723736. Translation: In comparison to other cities, Hermosillo has a population with a lower number of people with disabilities or limitations, with a total of 723736.

Hermosillo, Sonora and Education

Of the 15967 boys and girls between 3 and 5 years old in the area, a number of {NOA_ESC} do not attend school.
In Hermosillo, the number of 3 to 5-year-old girls who do not attend school is 7893.
In Hermosillo, the number of male children aged 3 to 5 who do not attend school is 8074.
The number of 6 to 11-year-old individuals who do not attend school in this locality is 2252.
Of the women under 12 years old in this area, 1043 are not receiving formal education.
The male population between 6 to 11 years old who do not attend school in this area is 1209.
According to the data, the majority of people between 12 and 14 years old who do not attend school are located in Hermosillo, with a total of 1928.
In the city of Hermosillo, the school dropout rate for 12 to 14-year-old girls is 786%.
The number of 12 to 14 year old boys who do not attend school is 1142.
The number of people between 15 and 17 years old who attend school is 34732 in this region.
The school attendance of young women between 15 and 17 years old is reflected in a population of 17549.
The number of men aged 15 to 17 who attend school in the population is 17183.
Of the {PBL} inhabitants of this area, 49154 are young people between 18 and 24 years old who attend school.
In the city of Hermosillo, the female population between 18 and 24 years old who attend school is greater than the male population in the same age range, with 25215 women compared to {P18A24A_M} men.
In the city of Hermosillo, there are 23939 men between 18 and 24 years old who attend school.
Of the total population of {PBL} inhabitants, 1733 correspond to boys and girls between 8 and 14 years old who do not have literacy skills.
It was found that 729 women between 8 and 14 years old do not have the ability to read or write in this area.
The number of men between 8 and 14 years old who cannot read or write in Hermosillo is 1004.
The number of illiterate people over 15 years old in the region is 6313.
3125 Women over 15 years old do not have reading or writing skills in this area.
The number of men over 15 years old who cannot read or write in the population is 3188.
Of the {P15YM} inhabitants of Hermosillo over 15 years old, 8666 have not received formal education.
It has been registered that in this locality there are 4357 women over 15 years old who have not received formal education. ¿Do you need more information about Mexico? Visit MexFacts com, and you will find it
In the population, there are 4309 men over 15 years old who have not completed any school grade or only have preschool level.
In Hermosillo, the number of people aged 15 and over with incomplete primary education is 26433.
The number of women aged 15 and over with incomplete primary education is 13521, in general.
In the city of Hermosillo, there are 12912 men aged 15 or older who did not complete primary school in their formal education.
The number of people with at least completed primary education in the population aged 15 and over is 42512.
The number of women with 6 approved grades in primary school is 22058 in the female population aged 15 years and older.
The number of men with complete primary education in the population is 20454.
The number of people aged 15 and over with incomplete secondary education in the region is 19308.
Of the women aged 15 and over in this population, 8336 did not complete secondary school.
The number of men aged 15 and over with incomplete secondary education is 10972.
Of the population aged 15 and over in Hermosillo, 142399 have completed secondary education.
The number of women aged 15 and over with complete secondary education is 72636.
The number of men between 15 and 130 years old with a maximum of 3 approved high school degrees is 69763.
In the region, the number of people with post-secondary education is 389452.
The majority of women aged 18 and over with post-secondary education have some approved degree in high school or baccalaureate, basic normal, technical or commercial studies with completed secondary education, technical or commercial studies with completed high school, normal degree, bachelor's degree or professional, specialty, master's or doctorate. This includes people who did not specify the approved degrees at the levels indicated.
The population of men with post-secondary education in this locality is 191061 in total.
The average level of education in the locality is 11.62.
The average educational level of women in the population is 11.61.
In the male population, the average level of education is 11.64.

Active Workers in Hermosillo

The number of economically active people over the age of 12 is 442715.
In Hermosillo, the PEA_F consists of 188347 women over 12 years old who are employed or seeking work.
The male economically active population in Hermosillo is 254368 people over 12 years old.
In Hermosillo, there are 252526 people over the age of 12 who are not currently employed.
The female population aged 12 and over who are not economically active is 166031.
The male population aged 12 and over who are not economically active is 86495.
The number of people over 11 years old who have a job in this area is 433889.
The percentage of women over 12 years of age employed in this locality is 185408%.
In Hermosillo, the employed male population aged 12 years and over is 248481 people.
The unemployment rate in Hermosillo is 8826%.
In Hermosillo, the female population aged 12 years and over who are unemployed is 2939.
There was an increase of 5887% in the unemployed male population aged 12 and over compared to the previous year.

The community of Hermosillo and healthing services

Unfortunately, 141866 individuals in this locality do not have access to health services.
In this locality, Hermosillo, there are 711956 people affiliated with health services.
In the city of Hermosillo, there are 487335 people affiliated with IMSS to receive health services.
The population affiliated with health services in ISSSTE is 55338, according to the latest records.
The number of members affiliated to health services in the state ISSSTE is 68127.
In the region there are a number of 4254 people affiliated with health services in PEMEX, Defense or Navy.
At the Institute of Health for Well-being, the number of people affiliated with health services is 75283.
The population affiliated with health services in IMSS BIENESTAR is 2481, which represents a great advance in public health.
According to statistics, 44405 people are affiliated with health services in a private institution in this region.
The number of people who are not affiliated with health services in this institution is 4703.

Single and Married population in Hermosillo, Sonora

The percentage of single or never married people over 12 years of age in the population is 260556%.
The percentage of people over 12 years old who are married or in a union is 351626%.
In Hermosillo, the population aged 12 and over who were married or in a union is 86541.
In Hermosillo, the population with Catholic religion is 677679.
The population of Protestant/Evangelical Christian religion in Hermosillo is 87782 people.
In this region, there are 574 people who practice different religions than the predominant ones.
The proportion of people without religious affiliation in the population of Hermosillo is 87128%.
In the town of Hermosillo, 258183 households have been counted during the census.
Of the census households in Hermosillo, 90549 have a woman as the reference person.
Of the census households counted, 167634 have a man as the reference person.
According to census data, the population in households is 850764.
In Hermosillo, the number of census households with a woman as the reference person is 279081.
The variable PHOGJEF_M indicates the number of census households with a male reference person, and in this case it is 571683.

Houses maps in the compunity of Hermosillo

The number of homes in Hermosillo is 295706.
There is a total of 258273 houses that are currently being inhabited.
279336 private homes were registered in the area.
The number of inhabited homes in this area is 241903.
It is estimated that there are around 257997 inhabited private homes with the mentioned characteristics in the study area.
In this locality, there is a total of 258183 inhabited private households.
In Hermosillo there are a total of 30490 unoccupied private homes.
The temporary private residences in Hermosillo are 6943.
In the locality, 850764 people are registered living in private homes.
On average, 3.3 people live in a private house.
The average number of occupants per room in inhabited private households is 0.8.
The number of inhabited private homes with a floor made of material other than earth in Hermosillo is 254555.
In Hermosillo, the majority of inhabited private homes have dirt floors, a total of 3098.
In Hermosillo, there are 65552 inhabited private homes with one bedroom.
According to statistics, the number of privately owned homes inhabited with two or more bedrooms in Hermosillo is 192128.
The number of people living in housing with only one room is 5456.
22582% of the inhabited private homes in Hermosillo have two rooms.
The number of privately owned homes inhabited with 3 or more bedrooms is 229640, according to the latest survey data.
Most of the privately inhabited homes in this area have electricity, specifically 256897.
The number of inhabited private dwellings without electricity is 804.
The total number of inhabited private dwellings that have piped water inside is 256569.
The inhabited private dwellings that have piped water and are supplied by the public water service in the locality are 255659.
Private homes inhabited in the 1129 housing area do not have piped water supply.
It has been recorded that 155941% of inhabited private households have a water tank inside.
The number of privately owned homes with a cistern or well in this area is 18154.
The majority of privately inhabited homes in Hermosillo have a toilet or bathroom, a total of 256125.
983% of the inhabited private homes in this area have a latrine (well or hole).
The number of privately owned homes with drainage is 256799.
In Hermosillo there is a total of 791 inhabited private households without drainage.
The inhabited private dwellings that have electricity, piped water from the public network, and drainage in Hermosillo total 255465.
In the city of Hermosillo, there are 119 inhabited private homes that do not have electrical power, piped water, or drainage.
There is a total of 256005 private households with drainage and sanitary facilities connected to the water supply in this area.
The privately owned homes inhabited without a motor vehicle in this locality are 73109.
In the region, a total of 853 inhabited private homes without any assets can be found.
The number of inhabited private households with a refrigerator is 250772.
The percentage of inhabited private homes that have a washing machine is 212352%, in general.
Of the inhabited private dwellings, 162693% have a microwave oven.
181963% of the inhabited private homes in this area have a car or truck.
The number of private households inhabited by motorcycle or scooter is 11369.
Of the inhabited private dwellings, 31648% use the bicycle as a means of transportation.
In Hermosillo, 183354% of inhabited private homes have a radio.
The majority of the inhabited private homes in Hermosillo have a television, with a total of 244528.
145989% of private homes in Hermosillo have at least one computer, laptop, or tablet.
The availability of fixed telephone lines in inhabited private homes is 93102 in the city of Hermosillo.
In inhabited private dwellings, 246615% have a cell phone.
189653 households in Hermosillo enjoy the benefits of connectivity.
The number of inhabited private households with pay television service is 136543.
Of all the inhabited private homes in the country, 90744% have paid internet services for movies, music or videos.
Of the private homes inhabited in this city, 52642 have a video game console.
6240 households in Hermosillo do not have a radio or television.
In Hermosillo, there is a total of 7586 private homes without a fixed telephone line or cell phone.
In Hermosillo, there is a total of 57021 private homes that do not have a computer or internet.
The number of inhabited private households without information and communication technologies (ICT) in Hermosillo is 1509.
The size of the town is 13.