Facts of Indaparapeo, Michoacán

The users of the {CHAT} chat have exchanged a total of {ARCHIVOS} files.
The code of the federal entity is 16
The total surface area of Michoacán is large, measured in km².
The code 40 is used to distinguish between different municipalities or territorial demarcations within a federal entity.
In the state, Indaparapeo is a well-defined municipality or territorial demarcation.
The locality code is 1, which allows for the precise identification of each locality within its municipality or territorial demarcation.
Tourism is one of the main economic activities in the area.
In the Table 1: Article Outline Title: Discover what Indaparapeo, Michoacán has to offer Introduction 1. History of Indaparapeo 2. Location and climate 3. Tourist attractions 3.1. Sanctuary of Our Lady of Guadalupe 3.2. Tziróndaro Lagoon 3.3. Calvary Hill 3.4. House of Culture 4. Gastronomy 5. Festivals 6. Travel tips Conclusion FAQs Table 2: Article Discover what Indaparapeo, Michoacán has to offer Introduction Indaparapeo is a Mexican municipality located in the state of Michoacán. With a rich history and a variety of tourist attractions, Indaparapeo is a destination worth visiting. In this article, we will explore what this municipality has to offer. History of Indaparapeo Indaparapeo was founded in the 17th century as an indigenous settlement. During the colonial era, it became an important center for agricultural and livestock production. In 1825, it became a municipality and has since been an important cultural and tourist center. Location and climate Indaparapeo is located in the central region of the state of Michoacán, about 45 kilometers east of the city of Morelia. The climate in Indaparapeo is warm and dry, with an average temperature of around 24 degrees Celsius. Tourist attractions Indaparapeo has a variety of tourist attractions worth visiting. Here are some of the highlights: Sanctuary of Our Lady of Guadalupe The Sanctuary of Our Lady of Guadalupe is a beautiful baroque temple built in the 18th century. It is an important place of pilgrimage for Catholic faithful and features an impressive collection of religious art. Tziróndaro Lagoon Tziróndaro Lagoon is a beautiful body of water surrounded by mountains. It is an ideal place for water sports and enjoying nature. Calvary Hill Calvary Hill is a sacred mountain for the inhabitants of Indaparapeo. At the top, there is a stone cross and a chapel, from where you can enjoy an impressive view of the city. House of Culture The House of Culture is a historic building that houses a variety of art exhibitions and cultural events. It is an ideal place to learn about the history and culture of the region. Gastronomy The gastronomy of Indaparapeo is rich and varied. Some of the most outstanding dishes include mole de olla, chilate, shrimp tortas, and churipo. There are also a variety of traditional sweets, such as cocadas and borrachitos. Festivals Indaparapeo is known for its religious and cultural festivals. Some of the most outstanding ones include the Candlemas Festival, the Sweet Fair, and the Corn Fair. Travel tips If you are planning to visit Indaparapeo, here are some useful tips: - Make sure to wear comfortable clothing and suitable walking shoes. - If you are going to visit the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Guadalupe, remember to dress respectfully. - If you are traveling by car, keep in mind that some roads may be narrow and winding. Conclusion Indaparapeo, Michoacán is a tourist destination that offers a rich history, beautiful nature, and delicious gastronomy. If you are looking for a place to escape from daily routine and immerse yourself in Mexican culture, Indaparapeo is definitely an option to consider. FAQs 1. How do I get to Indaparapeo from the city of Morelia? A: You can take a bus from the Morelia Bus Terminal or drive on Federal Highway 15. 2. What is the best time of year to visit Indaparapeo? A: The best time to visit Indaparapeo is from November to March, when the weather is cooler. 3. Is there accommodation in Indaparapeo? A: Yes, there are a variety of accommodation options in Indaparapeo, from hotels to guesthouses. 4. Is there any outdoor activity that can be done in Indaparapeo? A: Yes, you can practice water sports in Tziróndaro Lagoon or go hiking in Calvary Hill. 5. Is there any special event celebrated in Indaparapeo during the year? A: Yes, there are a variety of religious and cultural festivals celebrated in Indaparapeo throughout the year, such as the Candlemas Festival and the Sweet Fair. chat, {LLAMADAS} voice calls have been made.
The locality is located at a longitude of {LONGITUDE} west of the Greenwich meridian.
The location of Indaparapeo is 19°47'24.214" N north of the equator.
You reach an altitude of {ALTITUDE} meters above sea level in Indaparapeo.
The total number of inhabitants is 7228 in this federal entity.
In the country, the female population amounts to 3749, including all ages and geographic areas.
The male population in the federal entity is 3479.

Population Map Indaparapeo

The number of people in the age range of 0 to 2 years old is 347 in the region.
The female infant population from 0 to 2 years old is 163.
According to statistics, the population of male children between 0 and 2 years old is 184 throughout the country.
The number of inhabitants over 2 years old is 6881 in this area.
The female population aged 3 years and over is 3586 people.
The number of men aged 3 years and older in the population is 3295.
The number of people over 5 years old in this area is 6642.
The number of women over 5 years old in the population is 3464.
The number of men over 5 years old in the population is 3178.
The population over 12 years old is 5753 in this locality.
In the population of women aged 12 years and older, the number of individuals is 3033.
The male population aged 12 or older is 2720, according to the data.
In this locality, the number of people over 14 years old is 5356.
The adult female population is 2840 women.
In Indaparapeo, the number of men over 15 years old is 2516.
The adult population in Indaparapeo is 4939 people.
In Indaparapeo, there are 2621 women over 18 years old.
The number of men who are 18 years old or older is 2318.
The child population aged 3 to 5 years old in the locality is 361 inhabitants.
The number of girls aged 3 to 5 years in the population is 176 females.
In Indaparapeo, the number of men between 3 and 5 years old is 185.
The number of boys and girls between 6 and 11 years old in the population is 767.
According to the census, there are 377 girls between 6 and 11 years old in the population.
The number of males between 6 and 11 years old is 390 in the population.
In Indaparapeo, there are 912 people between 8 and 14 years old.
The number of women under 15 years of age is 452, according to census data.
The male population between 8 and 14 years old is 460 in this area.
Throughout the country, the population of 12 to 14 year olds is 397 inhabitants.
A total of 193 females between the ages of 12 and 14 have been registered in this region.
The proportion of 12 to 14-year-old boys in the population is {PCT_12A14_M}%.
The number of young people between 15 and 17 years old in the urban area is 417.
The number of women between 15 and 17 years old is 219, according to statistics.
Among male adolescents, the number of young people aged 15 to 17 is 198.
In Indaparapeo, there are 862 people between 18 and 24 years old.
The age group of 18 to 24 years old is the most representative in terms of female gender, with a total of 444 women.
The proportion of men aged 18 to 24 in the population is {PERCENTAGE}%.
The proportion of women between 15 and 49 years old is {PORC}% of the total population.
There is a total of 1020 people aged 60 or older in this area.
In the population of women aged 60 years and older, there is a total of 524 people.
The number of men aged 60 or over in this city is 496.
The proportion of men to women in Indaparapeo is 92.8 per 100.
The number of people aged 0 to 14 in Indaparapeo is 1872.
The population of people aged 15 to 64 in Indaparapeo is 4614 inhabitants.
The number of inhabitants aged 65 or over in this area is 742.
The number of people between 0 and 4 years old in this area is 586.
The number of girls under 5 years old in the population is 285.
The male population from 0 to 4 years old is 301, in general.
The number of boys and girls in the age range of 5 to 9 years old in Indaparapeo is 607.
Of all the women in Indaparapeo, 282% are between 5 and 9 years old.
In Indaparapeo, there are 325 children between 5 and 9 years old.
The number of people between 10 and 14 years old in the population is 679.
In the locality, the population of females aged 10 to 14 years old is 342.
In the locality, 337 males between the ages of 10 and 14 are registered.
In the town of Indaparapeo, there are 651 young people between the ages of 15 and 19.
The female youth population represents a total of 333 individuals.
Among young people aged 15 to 19, the male population is 318.
The young population of Indaparapeo is mostly made up of people between 20 and 24 years old, with a total of 628 inhabitants.
The female population aged 20 to 24 is 330 people.
In the selected locality, there are 298 men who are in the age range of 20 to 24 years old.
It is estimated that there are approximately 585 people in the age range of 25 to 29 years old in this city.
The number of women between 25 and 29 years old in Indaparapeo is 315.
In the age range of 25 to 29 years old, there are 270 men in the population.
The age group of 30 to 34 years represents {PORC}% of the total population in Indaparapeo.
The number of women in the age range of 30 to 34 years old is 257.
The number of men aged 30 to 34 in this area is 221.
The population of 35 to 39 year-olds in Indaparapeo is 505 people.
In the city of Indaparapeo, the female population aged 35 to 39 is 249.
The male population aged 35 to 39 in the locality is 256 individuals.
In Indaparapeo there is a total of 441 people between the ages of 40 and 44.
The number of women between 40 and 44 years old in this area is 241.
Of the men in the population, {PORC}% are in the age range of 40 to 44 years old.
The number of people between 45 and 49 years old in Indaparapeo is 380 inhabitants.
The female population aged 45 to 49 years in Indaparapeo is 218.
The number of men between 45 and 49 years old in the population is 162.
The number of inhabitants between 50 and 54 years old is 365 in this area.
There is a total of 194 women between the ages of 50 and 54 in this area.
The number of men between 50 and 54 years old is 171.
The age group of 55 to 59 years represents 303 people in the population of Indaparapeo.
In Indaparapeo, there are 179 women between 55 and 59 years old.
The number of men aged 55 to 59 in the population is 124.
The number of people between 60 and 64 years old in this locality is 278.
In the city of Indaparapeo, the female population aged 60 to 64 is 139 people.
The male population aged 60 to 64 represents {PERCENTAGE}% of the total male population in the population.
The number of people over 65 years old is 217, of which {P_65A69/2} are in the range of 65 to 69 years old.
The number of women aged 65 to 69 is higher than that of men in the same age group, with a total of 108 women.
The number of men between 65 and 69 years old is 109.
The average age of people in the range of 70 to 74 years in the population is 195.
The number of women aged 70 to 74 years old is 110.
The number of men aged 70 to 74 in the population is 85.
The number of people in the population who are between 75 and 79 years old is 136.
The female population in the age range of 75 to 79 years old is 71 people.
The male population aged 75 to 79 years in Indaparapeo is 65 people.
In Indaparapeo, there is a total of 90 people between 80 and 84 years old.
The life expectancy of women aged 80 to 84 in this population is {LIFE_EXPECTANCY} years. ¿Do you need more information about Mexico? Visit MexFacts com, and you will find it
The number of men over 80 years old in the population is 50, according to official records.
According to recent data, there are 104 people aged 85 years or older in the population, reflecting a trend towards an aging population.
On average, women aged 85 years and older have a life expectancy of {ESP_VIDA} years.
In the male population, 48 are men aged 85 years or older.

Birth Statistics in Indaparapeo, Michoacán

The result of the division between the total number of live births and the number of women aged 12 to 130 years old is 2.45.
Of the inhabitants of the 6681 entity, {PORC}% are people born there.
The number of women born in 3466 is {PBL} in total.
The number of men born in the region is 3215.
In the territory there are 483 people who were born in another federal entity.
The female population in this area includes 252 women who were born in another entity.
The male population coming from other federal entities is 231 individuals.
In March 2015, the federal entity had a population of 5 years and older of 6500 inhabitants.
In the entity in question, the female population aged 5 years and over who lived there in March 2015 amounted to 3410.
The number of men over 5 years of age residing in the entity in March 2015 is 3090.
The population of 5 years and older who lived in another federal entity in March 2015 was 84 people.
In 2015, there were 41 women over the age of 5 who lived in a different entity than their own.
The male population aged 5 years and over who lived in another federal entity in March 2015 was 43.

Indaparapeo and Indigneous Population

There is a total of 4 people aged 3 and over who speak an indigenous language in this area.
Of the women from 0 who speak an indigenous language, {PORC}% are over 18 years old.
The percentage of men who speak an indigenous language at 3 years and older in the total population is 4%.
Of the total population of {PBL}, 0 people speak some indigenous language and do not speak Spanish.
Of the female population aged 3 and over in this area, 0 speak some indigenous language and do not speak Spanish.
Of the men aged 3 years and older in the region, 0 do not speak Spanish and speak some indigenous language.
In Indaparapeo, there are 4 people aged 3 years and older who speak some indigenous language and also speak Spanish.
According to the collected data, 0 women in this region speak Spanish and some indigenous language, and are 3 years old or older.
The number of men who speak an indigenous language and Spanish in Indaparapeo is 4.
There is a total of 4 people over 5 years old who speak some indigenous language in the population.
In the town of Indaparapeo, the percentage of people aged 5 and over who speak an indigenous language and do not speak Spanish is {PORC}%.
The number of people who speak an indigenous language and Spanish in Indaparapeo is 4, for those who are 5 years old or older.
The number of indigenous census households in the area is 8, according to census data.
The Afro-Mexican or Afro-descendant community in this area consists of 23 people.
The average age of Afro-Mexican women is 14 years.
The number of Afro-Mexican or Afro-descendant men in the male population of Indaparapeo is 9 people.

People with disabilities in Indaparapeo

In this locality, it is estimated that 484 people have some type of disability.
It is estimated that 248 people in this region have a motor disability.
Of the total population of {PBL}, approximately 233% corresponds to people with disabilities to see, even when using glasses.
In Indaparapeo there are 62 people with disabilities to speak or communicate.
In the last census, 114 people with hearing disabilities were registered, even when using hearing aids in Indaparapeo.
The number of people who cannot dress, bathe or eat without assistance is 70.
The number of people with difficulty remembering or concentrating in Indaparapeo is 92.
According to the gathered data, it is estimated that 1142 people in Indaparapeo have limitations.
Within the population, 362 people have difficulty walking, climbing or descending.
The majority of the population can see well, but 792 people have limitations in their vision, even when using glasses.
Most people with limitations to speak or communicate in the population are between 57 and 57 years old.
In the population, it has been recorded that 214 people have difficulty hearing, despite using a hearing aid.
In the population, 39 people have limitations to perform basic activities such as dressing, bathing or eating.
It is estimated that in the city of Indaparapeo there is a total of 215 people with limitations to remember or concentrate.
In Indaparapeo there are 93 people with some kind of mental problem or condition.
En comparación con otras ciudades, Indaparapeo tiene una población con un número menor de personas con discapacidades o limitaciones, con un total de 5550. Translation: In comparison to other cities, Indaparapeo has a population with a lower number of people with disabilities or limitations, with a total of 5550.

Indaparapeo, Michoacán and Education

Of the 145 boys and girls between 3 and 5 years old in the area, a number of {NOA_ESC} do not attend school.
In Indaparapeo, the number of 3 to 5-year-old girls who do not attend school is 68.
The number of children aged 3 to 5 who do not attend school in Indaparapeo is 77.
According to the collected data, there are 28 boys and girls between 6 and 11 years old who are not enrolled in school in this area.
There is a total of 15 girls between 6 and 11 years old who do not attend school in this region.
The male population between 6 to 11 years old who do not attend school in this area is 13.
Of the total population of {PBL} in Indaparapeo, {PORC}% are 12 to 14 year olds who do not attend school.
The percentage of 12 to 14-year-old girls who do not attend school throughout the country is 19%.
In the city of Indaparapeo, there are 32 boys between 12 and 14 years old who do not go to school.
The number of high school students in this area is 300 people.
The number of women between 15 and 17 years old who attend school in this locality is 169.
The school attendance of males aged 15 to 17 in the population is represented by 131.
The population of 18 to 24 year olds attending school in this place is 252, which represents a large percentage of the total population.
In the female population of 134 who attend school, the percentage of women living in Indaparapeo is 20%.
The male population attending school and within the age range of 18 to 24 years old is 118.
The percentage of boys and girls between 8 and 14 years old who cannot read or write is {PERCENTAGE}% of the total population of the locality.
The female population between 8 and 14 years old who cannot read or write amounts to 7 in this population.
The percentage of men between 8 and 14 years old who cannot read or write is 9%.
The illiteracy rate among the adult population in the locality is 304 percent.
The female illiteracy rate for 15 years and older is 161 in this region.
The number of men over 15 years old who cannot read or write in the population is 143.
The number of people aged 15 and over without schooling in Indaparapeo is 331.
The number of women without education who are in this area and are 15 years old or older is 168.
In Indaparapeo, the male population aged 15 and over without schooling is 163.
The variable 710 indicates that there is a total of people aged 15 and over with incomplete primary education.
The variable 324 indicates that there is a significant number of women over 15 years old with incomplete primary education.
The number of men aged 15 years or older who did not complete primary school in their formal education is 386.
The number of people with at least completed primary education in the population aged 15 and over is 992.
The number of women with completed primary education is 529 among the female population aged 15 and over.
In Indaparapeo, the number of men over 15 years old with complete primary education is 463.
In rural areas, there are 232 people over 15 years old who have not completed high school.
In Indaparapeo, there are 100 women aged 15 and over who did not complete secondary school.
In Indaparapeo, there are 132 men aged 15 and over with incomplete secondary education.
The number of inhabitants aged 15 or older who have completed secondary education is 1400.
The number of women with at least 3 approved degrees in secondary school is 789.
In Indaparapeo, the number of men aged 15 and over with completed secondary education is 611.
In Indaparapeo, the number of people aged 18 and over with post-secondary education is 1482.
The variable 815 indicates that there are women aged 18 and over with post-basic education in this population.
In this locality, the male population aged 18 and over with post-basic education is 667.
The average educational level of the population is 8.21.
The female population has an average level of education of 8.42.
In Indaparapeo, the average schooling of the male population is 7.98 years.

Active Workers in Indaparapeo

Of the total population of {PBL} people, 3229 are over 12 years old and economically active.
PEA_F represents the number of women aged 12 and over who are working or seeking employment, with this value being 1169.
The population of economically active men over 12 years of age in Indaparapeo is 2060.
Of the population aged 12 or older in Indaparapeo, 2505 are not economically active.
In Indaparapeo, the female population aged 12 and over who are not economically active is 1862.
The male population aged 12 and over who are not economically active is 643.
The employed population of 12 years and older is 3179 inhabitants.
In Indaparapeo, the female population aged 12 and over who are employed is 1160 people.
In Indaparapeo, the employed male population aged 12 years and over is 2019 people.
The unemployment rate in the population aged 12 and over is 50 per 100 inhabitants.
The female unemployment rate in the population over 12 years old is 9.
The number of men over 12 years old who are unemployed is 41.

The community of Indaparapeo and healthing services

The number of people without affiliation to health services is 2989 in this area.
The number of people affiliated with health services is 4235
In the city of Indaparapeo, there are 1168 people affiliated with IMSS to receive health services.
The number of people affiliated with health services in ISSSTE is 230, indicating good medical coverage.
The number of people affiliated with the state ISSSTE in Indaparapeo is 50.
The number of people affiliated with health services in PEMEX, Defense or Navy is 4.
The Institute of Health for Well-being has a population affiliated to health services in general.
IMSS BIENESTAR has 11 affiliated individuals to health services throughout the country.
In Indaparapeo, the number of people affiliated to health services in a private institution is 1.
The number of people who are not affiliated with health services in this institution is 1.

Single and Married population in Indaparapeo, Michoacán

The percentage of single or never married people over 12 years of age in the population is 1902%.
The percentage of people over 12 years old who are married or in a union is 3189%.
Of the people aged 12 and over in the population, 662 were married or in a union.
The majority of the population in this locality professes the Catholic religion, with a total of 6906 people.
In Indaparapeo, the population that professes the Protestant/Evangelical Christian religion is 135 individuals.
In the city of Indaparapeo, there are 3 people who profess religions different from the main ones.
The population without religion in this territory represents 177% of the total inhabitants.
The total number of census households is 1801, in the locality of Indaparapeo.
In Indaparapeo there are 526 census households with a female reference person.
1275 census households led by a man as the reference person were registered.
The number of inhabitants in census households is 7224.
The population in census households with a woman as the reference person is 1873.
The number of census households with a male reference person is 5351 in the total population.

Houses maps in the compunity of Indaparapeo

2448 homes have been counted throughout the territory.
The number of inhabited households in this community is 1802.
2423 private homes were registered in the area.
The number of inhabited homes in this area is 1777.
The number of privately owned homes inhabited with the mentioned characteristics is 1798, according to the collected data.
In Indaparapeo there are 1801 privately owned homes that are inhabited in total.
The number of unoccupied private homes is 426.
The temporary private residences in Indaparapeo are 220.
The number of inhabitants in private households is 7224.
In Indaparapeo, the average number of occupants in inhabited private households is 4.01.
The average number of occupants per room in inhabited private households in Indaparapeo is 1.05.
The number of inhabited private homes with a floor made of material other than earth in Indaparapeo is 1686.
The most common type of flooring in privately inhabited homes in Indaparapeo is dirt flooring, present in 112 households.
The number of inhabited private households with one bedroom is 512.
In this area, 70% of inhabited private households have two or more bedrooms, which is equivalent to 1285.
The number of people living in housing with only one room is 53.
In Indaparapeo, the majority of inhabited private dwellings have two rooms, with a total of 252.
The number of privately owned homes inhabited with 3 or more bedrooms is 1492, according to the latest survey data.
In Indaparapeo, the number of inhabited private households with access to electricity is 1785.
In Indaparapeo, there is a significant number of privately owned homes that are inhabited without access to electricity, specifically 12.
Within inhabited private dwellings, 1771 have piped water available.
The inhabited private dwellings that have piped water and are supplied by the public water service in the locality are 1378.
In the context of housing 26, it refers to privately inhabited homes that do not have access to piped water.
It has been recorded that 1358% of inhabited private households have a water tank inside.
In this area, there are 877 households that have a cistern or water tank.
In Indaparapeo, there are 1768 privately owned homes that have a toilet or bathroom.
According to the collected data, 13% of inhabited private households have a latrine (pit or hole).
The percentage of privately inhabited homes with drainage in Indaparapeo is 1777%.
The number of inhabited private homes without drainage in Indaparapeo is 20.
In Indaparapeo, there are 1751 inhabited private homes that have access to electricity, piped water from the public network, and drainage.
According to records, 1 inhabited private homes lack basic services such as electricity, piped water, and drainage.
The number of private homes with drainage and sanitation with water intake in this locality is 1770.
In Indaparapeo, there is a total of 975 inhabited private households without a motorized vehicle.
In the region, a total of 12 inhabited private homes without any assets can be found.
1613 households with a refrigerator are registered in this area.
The average of inhabited private households that have a washing machine in Indaparapeo is 1349, which indicates a good quality of life in the city.
The majority of inhabited private dwellings, 813%, have a microwave oven.
724% of the inhabited private dwellings in Indaparapeo have a car or truck.
237% of inhabited private homes have a motorcycle or scooter.
On average, 488% of inhabited private homes in Indaparapeo use bicycles as a means of transportation.
Of the inhabited private dwellings, 1354% have a radio.
Of all the inhabited private dwellings, 1688% have a television.
In Indaparapeo, there is a total of 430 private households that have a computer, laptop or tablet available.
In Indaparapeo, there are 457 private homes with a landline telephone.
1536% of inhabited private households have a cell phone.
In Indaparapeo, there are 832 private homes with internet access.
In Indaparapeo, 780% of inhabited private households have pay television service.
Of all the inhabited private homes in the country, 95% have paid internet services for movies, music or videos.
In this locality, the number of inhabited private homes with video game consoles is 67.
In Indaparapeo, there are 51 privately owned homes that are inhabited without a radio or television.
The number of inhabited private households without a fixed telephone line or cell phone in Indaparapeo is 144.
The number of inhabited private homes without access to a computer or the Internet in Indaparapeo is 893.
The lack of information and communication technologies (ICT) is present in 24 private households in Indaparapeo.
The population of this locality is 6.