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Manufacture of cane sugar

Mexican directory related to Manufacture of cane sugar, with mexvalue of 311311.

Manufacture of Cane Sugar in Mexico Cane sugar is one of the most important crops in Mexico, and the country is one of the leading producers of sugar in the world. The manufacture of cane sugar in Mexico is a complex process that involves several stages, from the planting of the cane to the packaging of the final product. In this article, we will take a closer look at the different stages involved in the manufacture of cane sugar in Mexico. Planting and Harvesting The first stage in the manufacture of cane sugar is the planting of the cane. The cane is usually planted in the months of August and September, and it takes around 12 months to mature. Once the cane is mature, it is harvested using a machine that cuts the stalks close to the ground. The stalks are then transported to the sugar mill for processing. Milling The milling stage is where the cane is crushed to extract the juice. The juice is extracted using a series of rollers that squeeze the juice out of the stalks. The juice is then collected in large tanks and filtered to remove any impurities. Boiling and Clarification Once the juice has been extracted, it is boiled to remove the water and concentrate the sugar. The juice is boiled in large vats, and lime is added to help clarify the juice. The lime reacts with the impurities in the juice and causes them to coagulate and settle at the bottom of the vat. The clarified juice is then pumped into another vat where it is boiled again to concentrate the sugar. Crystallization and Drying The concentrated juice is then pumped into crystallizers where it is cooled and seeded with sugar crystals. The sugar crystals grow as the juice cools, and the resulting mixture of sugar crystals and syrup is called massecuite. The massecuite is then transferred to a centrifuge where the sugar crystals are separated from the syrup. The sugar crystals are then dried and packaged for distribution. Conclusion The manufacture of cane sugar in Mexico is a complex process that involves several stages, from the planting of the cane to the packaging of the final product. The process requires a lot of time and resources, but the end result is a high-quality product that is used in a wide range of industries. If you are interested in learning more about the manufacture of cane sugar in Mexico, there are many resources available online that can provide you with more information.

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