Facts of Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua

In the {CHAT} chat, {NUM} active users have been registered.
The code of the federal entity is 8
The federal entity Chihuahua is located in the central region of Mexico.
The code 50 is used to distinguish between different municipalities or territorial demarcations within a federal entity.
In the state, Nuevo Casas Grandes is a well-defined municipality or territorial demarcation.
The 1 code is key to locating the locality within the Geo-statistical Framework.
Tourism is one of the main economic activities in the area.
The users of the . Educación en Nuevo Casas Grandes Nuevo Casas Grandes cuenta con una variedad de instituciones educativas, desde preescolar hasta universidad. Algunas de las instituciones más destacadas incluyen la Universidad Tecnológica de Nuevo Casas Grandes, el Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Nuevo Casas Grandes y la Escuela Normal Superior de Chihuahua.

8. Salud en Nuevo Casas Grandes

Nuevo Casas Grandes cuenta con una variedad de opciones de atención médica, desde clínicas y hospitales públicos hasta consultorios privados. Algunos de los hospitales más destacados incluyen el Hospital General de Nuevo Casas Grandes y el Hospital Ángeles.

9. Transporte en Nuevo Casas Grandes

Nuevo Casas Grandes cuenta con una buena infraestructura de transporte, incluyendo carreteras y autobuses que conectan la ciudad con otras partes de México y los Estados Unidos. También cuenta con un pequeño aeropuerto que ofrece vuelos nacionales.

10. Conclusiones

Nuevo Casas Grandes es una ciudad con una rica historia, cultura y belleza natural. Desde sus impresionantes puntos turísticos hasta su gastronomía local y economía basada en la agricultura y la ganadería, hay mucho que explorar y descubrir en esta ciudad del noroeste de México.

11. Preguntas frecuentes

- ¿Cómo llego a Nuevo Casas Grandes desde los Estados Unidos? R: Puedes llegar a Nuevo Casas Grandes en coche a través de la carretera 45 que conecta la ciudad con Ciudad Juárez y El Paso, Texas. - ¿Cuál es la mejor época del año para visitar Nuevo Casas Grandes? R: La mejor época para visitar Nuevo Casas Grandes es en primavera y otoño, cuando las temperaturas son más agradables y hay menos turistas. - ¿Dónde puedo encontrar alojamiento en Nuevo Casas Grandes? R: Hay una variedad de opciones de alojamiento en Nuevo Casas Grandes, desde hoteles y moteles hasta casas de huéspedes y campamentos. Algunos de los hoteles más populares incluyen el Hotel Hacienda de los Santos y el Hotel Paquimé. chat have exchanged a total of {ARCHIVOS} files.
The location of the city is {LONGITUDE} degrees West of the Greenwich Meridian.
The value of the latitude is {LATITUDE}.
You reach an altitude of {ALTITUDE} meters above sea level in Nuevo Casas Grandes.
The total number of inhabitants is 62038 in this federal entity.
In the country, the female population amounts to 31762, including all ages and geographic areas.
In the town of Nuevo Casas Grandes, a male population of 30276 is estimated.

Population Map Nuevo Casas Grandes

The child population in the locality is 2857 under the age of 3.
The number of women under 3 years old is 1395.
The male population aged 0 to 2 years old is 1462 in the urban area of the city.
The population of Nuevo Casas Grandes aged 3 years and over is 59167.
The number of women of all ages in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 30360.
A male population of 3 years and older 28807 was recorded in the last census conducted.
Of the people who live here, 57026 are 5 years old or older.
In the city of Nuevo Casas Grandes, the female population aged 5 years and over is 29307.
Of the men in the population, 27719 are 5 years old or older.
The number of people aged 12 or older in this region is 49415.
In the population of women aged 12 years and older, the number of individuals is 25561.
The number of men in the population who are 12 years old or older is 23854.
The number of inhabitants over 14 years old is 46036.
The number of women aged 15 years or older is 23853.
In the locality, 22183 men over 15 years old are registered.
The quantity of adults in this area is 42762.
In the adult population of Nuevo Casas Grandes, {PORC}% are women over 18 years old, that is, 22244 people.
The number of adult men is 20518.
The child population aged 3 to 5 years old in the locality is 3252 inhabitants.
The number of girls aged 3 to 5 years in the population is 1596 females.
The male population aged 3 to 5 years old is 1656 in the locality.
According to the data, there are 6500 minors between the ages of 6 and 11 in the population.
The number of women between 6 and 11 years old is 3203 in the population.
The number of boys aged 6 to 11 in the male population is 3297.
The number of people between 8 and 14 years old in the population is 7713.
The number of girls between 8 and 14 years old living in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 3819.
The number of males aged 8 to 14 years old in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 3894.
Of the inhabitants of Nuevo Casas Grandes, 3379% correspond to young people between the ages of 12 and 14.
There is a total of 1708 women between 12 and 14 years old in this area.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, there is a male population aged 12 to 14 years old of 1671.
The number of young people between 15 and 17 years old in the urban area is 3274.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, there are 1609 women aged 15 to 17 years old.
The number of men between 15 and 17 years old is 1665 in the population.
The number of young people between 18 and 24 years old is 7234 in this population.
The number of women aged 18 to 24 is higher than any other age group in this population, with a total of 3723.
The proportion of men aged 18 to 24 in the population is {PERCENTAGE}%.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, the number of women between 15 and 49 years old is 16320.
The population of the city of Nuevo Casas Grandes has 7726 people over 60 years old.
The proportion of women aged 60 and over in the total population is 4144.
The number of men aged 60 or older in this population is 3582.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, for every 100 women there are 95.32 men.
The number of people aged 0 to 14 in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 15988. ¿Do you need more information about Mexico? Visit MexFacts com, and you will find it
The population of people aged 15 to 64 in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 40736 inhabitants.
The number of inhabitants aged 65 or over in this area is 5300.
In demographic terms, it is estimated that there are 4998 inhabitants in this area who are between 0 and 4 years old.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, the female population from 0 to 4 years old is 2448.
The number of boys aged 0 to 4 in the male population is 2550.
In this locality, the child population aged 5 to 9 is 5367.
Of all the women in Nuevo Casas Grandes, 2660% are between 5 and 9 years old.
The number of men between 5 and 9 years old is 2707 in the total population.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, the population of 10 to 14 year olds is 5623.
The female population aged 10 to 14 represents {PORCENTAJE}% of the total population.
The group of 10 to 14-year-old boys in Nuevo Casas Grandes is composed of 2829 individuals.
In the town of Nuevo Casas Grandes, there are 5427 young people between the ages of 15 and 19.
The female youth population represents a total of 2708 individuals.
The number of men between 15 and 19 years old in the population is 2719.
The young population of Nuevo Casas Grandes is mostly made up of people between 20 and 24 years old, with a total of 5081 inhabitants.
There are 2624 women between the ages of 20 and 24 in this population.
In the selected locality, there are 2457 men who are in the age range of 20 to 24 years old.
The number of people between 25 and 29 years old in this population is 4619.
There are 2378 women between 25 and 29 years old in this area.
The group of men aged 25 to 29 represents 2241 of the total population.
In comparison with other cities in the region, Nuevo Casas Grandes has a population of 30 to 34-year-olds above average with 4576 inhabitants.
The female population aged 30 to 34 in this location is 2376.
The male population aged 30 to 34 years in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 2200.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, the number of people between 35 and 39 years old has increased by {AUMENTO_35A39} in the last 5 years.
In the city of Nuevo Casas Grandes, the female population aged 35 to 39 is 2273.
The number of men between 35 and 39 years old in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 2143.
The population aged 40 to 44 is 4018 people.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, the female population aged 40 to 44 is 2010.
Of the men in the population, {PORC}% are in the age range of 40 to 44 years old.
The population of people aged between 45 and 49 years old is 3739 in this area.
The female population aged 45 to 49 years in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 1951.
The number of men between 45 and 49 years old in the population is 1788.
The population of 50 to 54-year-olds in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 3503 inhabitants.
The female population aged 50 to 54 years in this area is 1842.
The population of middle-aged men, specifically from 50 to 54 years old, is 1661.
The number of people between 55 and 59 years old in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 2931.
The number of women between 55 and 59 years old is 1547, according to the collected data.
In the population, there are 1384 men who are between 55 and 59 years old.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, there are 2426 people aged between 60 and 64 years old.
There is a total of 1293 women between the ages of 60 and 64 in the population.
The number of men between 60 and 64 years old in the population is 1133.
The number of people over 65 years old is 1879, of which {P_65A69/2} are in the range of 65 to 69 years old.
In the city of Nuevo Casas Grandes, there are 1019 women between 65 and 69 years old.
The number of men between 65 and 69 years old is 860.
The number of women aged 70 to 74 in the population is 1412, while that of men is 1412.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, there are 763 women between 70 and 74 years old.
The number of men over 70 years of age in the population is 649.
The population of people aged 75 to 79 is 1007, according to the collected data.
Among elderly women, the number of those between 75 and 79 years old is 525 individuals.
The group of men aged 75 to 79 years in Nuevo Casas Grandes has a population of 482 individuals.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, there is a total of 581 people between 80 and 84 years old.
The number of women aged between 80 and 84 years old in the population is 307.
The number of men aged between 80 and 84 years in the population is 274.
According to recent data, there are 421 people aged 85 years or older in the population, reflecting a trend towards an aging population.
The number of women aged 85 and over in the population is 237.
In the male population, 184 are men aged 85 years or older.

Birth Statistics in Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua

The result of the division between the total number of live births and the number of women aged 12 to 130 years old is 2.17.
The population born in the 56030 entity is {PBL} inhabitants.
The number of women born in 28907 is {PBL} in total.
The number of men born in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 27123.
According to the latest census, the population of Nuevo Casas Grandes has 4232 people who were born in another state.
Of the women who live here, 2050 are originally from another state.
The number of men who were not born in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 2182.
In March 2015, the federal entity had a population of 5 years and older of 54976 inhabitants.
The number of women 5 years or older residing in Nuevo Casas Grandes in March 2015 is 28458.
The number of men over 5 years of age residing in the entity in March 2015 is 26518.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, in March 2015, there were 1327 people over the age of 5 who resided in another federal entity.
In 2015, there were 628 women over the age of 5 who lived in a different entity than their own.
In 2015, 699 men aged 5 years or older lived in another federal entity, according to records.

Nuevo Casas Grandes and Indigneous Population

The number of people who speak any indigenous language and are 3 years old or older is 274.
Of the women from 113 who speak an indigenous language, {PORC}% are over 18 years old.
The percentage of men who speak an indigenous language at 3 years and older in the total population is 161%.
The proportion of people who speak an indigenous language and do not speak Spanish in the population is {PORC}%.
The number of women aged 3 years and older who speak some indigenous language and do not speak Spanish is 4.
In the town of Nuevo Casas Grandes, 5 men aged 3 years and older were registered who speak an indigenous language and do not speak Spanish.
The population of 257 people aged 3 and over speaks both an indigenous language and Spanish.
According to the collected data, 109 women in this region speak Spanish and some indigenous language, and are 3 years old or older.
The number of men who speak an indigenous language and Spanish in this area is 148.
The number of people over 4 years old who speak some indigenous language is 268.
Of the total population of {PBL}, 6 speak some indigenous language and do not speak Spanish.
The number of people who speak an indigenous language and Spanish in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 254, for those who are 5 years old or older.
The number of indigenous census households in the Nuevo Casas Grandes locality is 460.
There is a total of 1164 people who consider themselves Afro-Mexican or Afro-descendants in this region.
The average age of Afro-Mexican women is 597 years.
Of the male population in Mexico, 567 are considered Afro-Mexican or Afro-descendants.

People with disabilities in Nuevo Casas Grandes

According to records, 3680 individuals have some type of disability.
According to statistics, there is a population with a disability to walk, climb or descend 1830 people in this area.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, it is estimated that 1587% of the population has visual disabilities, which represents approximately {PBL*PCDISC_VIS/100} people.
The number of people with disabilities to speak or communicate is 465, according to records.
The proportion of people with hearing disabilities, even when using hearing aids in Nuevo Casas Grandes, is 668% of the total population.
The number of people who cannot dress, bathe or eat without assistance is 702.
The number of people in Nuevo Casas Grandes who have difficulties remembering or concentrating is 634.
The number of people with disabilities in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 7532.
The percentage of people with limitations to walk, climb or descend in the population is 2293%.
The majority of the population can see well, but 4770 people have limitations in their vision, even when using glasses.
Of the people who have difficulties speaking or communicating, 402% are men and 402% are women.
According to records, there are a total of 1449 people in the population with hearing impairment, even with the help of a hearing aid.
In the population, 303 people have limitations to perform basic activities such as dressing, bathing or eating.
It is estimated that in the city of Nuevo Casas Grandes there is a total of 1627 people with limitations to remember or concentrate.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes there are 1001 people with some kind of mental problem or condition.
According to the health records of Nuevo Casas Grandes, the number of people without disability, limitation, problem, or mental condition is 50361.

Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua and Education

Of the 1666 boys and girls between 3 and 5 years old in the area, a number of {NOA_ESC} do not attend school.
According to the collected data, 806 girls between 3 and 5 years old are not attending school.
In the children's population of Nuevo Casas Grandes, 860 children between the ages of 3 and 5 do not attend school.
According to the collected data, there are 187 boys and girls between 6 and 11 years old who are not enrolled in school in this area.
The school dropout rate for girls aged 6 to 11 is 85 in this population.
The male population between 6 to 11 years old who do not attend school in this area is 102.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, there are 215 people between 12 and 14 years old who do not attend school.
In the city of Nuevo Casas Grandes, the school dropout rate for 12 to 14-year-old girls is 107%.
The number of 12 to 14 year old boys who do not attend school is 108.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, there are 2525 young people between the ages of 15 and 17 who attend school.
The number of girls attending school in this area and age range is 1279.
The school attendance of males aged 15 to 17 in the population is represented by 1246.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, there is a total of 2785 young people between the ages of 18 and 24 who are currently attending school.
In the city of Nuevo Casas Grandes, the female population between 18 and 24 years old who attend school is greater than the male population in the same age range, with 1509 women compared to {P18A24A_M} men.
The majority of men between 18 and 24 years old in Nuevo Casas Grandes are attending school, with a total of 1276.
It is estimated that 129 children between the ages of 8 and 14 have difficulties reading and writing in the region.
The number of women between 8 and 14 years old who lack reading and writing skills is 64 in this area.
Of the men between 8 and 14 years old in Nuevo Casas Grandes, 65 cannot read or write.
The number of illiterate people over 15 years old in the region is 792.
The female illiteracy rate for 15 years and older is 366 in this region.
Of the men over 15 years old in the population, 426 do not have the ability to read or write.
The number of people aged 15 and over without schooling in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 996.
The number of women without education who are in this area and are 15 years old or older is 471.
In the population, there are 525 men over 15 years old who have not completed any school grade or only have preschool level.
The variable 3671 indicates that there is a total of people aged 15 and over with incomplete primary education.
1817 women over 15 years old with incomplete primary education were found in the city of Nuevo Casas Grandes.
The number of men aged 15 years or older who did not complete primary school in their formal education is 1854.
In the city of Nuevo Casas Grandes, there are 6084 people who have completed primary education.
Of women aged 15 and over in Nuevo Casas Grandes, 3088 have completed primary education.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, the number of men over 15 years old with complete primary education is 2996.
In rural areas, there are 1580 people over 15 years old who have not completed high school.
Of the women aged 15 and over in this population, 698 did not complete secondary school.
The male population aged 15 and over with incomplete secondary education is 882, according to the available data.
In the population of 15 years or older, 12214 people have completed their secondary education.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, there are 6509 women aged 15 and over with a complete secondary education.
The number of men between 15 and 130 years old with a maximum of 3 approved high school degrees is 5705.
The number of people with post-secondary education in the population aged 18 years and older is 19450.
Women aged 18 and over with post-secondary education represent an important part of the female population and contribute to the development of society.
Post-secondary education is achieved by 9341 men aged 18 years and older.
The education index of the community is 10.03.
The female population has an average level of education of 10.09.
In the male population, the average level of education is 9.96.

Active Workers in Nuevo Casas Grandes

The economically active population in the area is 29868 people over 12 years old.
According to the data, there are 12290 women over the age of 12 who are employed or seeking employment.
The population of economically active men over 12 years of age in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 17578.
The number of people in Nuevo Casas Grandes who are not economically active and are 12 years old or older is 19467.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, the female population aged 12 and over who are not economically active is 13224.
The male population who do not work and are 12 years old or older is 6243.
The number of people aged 12 and over who are employed is 29386.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, the female population aged 12 and over who are employed is 12147 people.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, the employed male population aged 12 years and over is 17239 people.
The unemployment rate in the population aged 12 and over is 482 per 100 inhabitants.
The percentage of women over 12 years old without employment is 143%.
There was an increase of 339% in the unemployed male population aged 12 and over compared to the previous year.

The community of Nuevo Casas Grandes and healthing services

The number of people without affiliation to health services is 11368 in this area.
The number of people who have access to health services is 50637.
The IMSS has 34912 affiliated residents in its health system.
According to the most recent data, the population affiliated with health services in ISSSTE amounts to 3350.
The number of people affiliated with the state ISSSTE in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 330.
The population that has affiliation to health services in PEMEX, Defense or Navy is 523.
At the Institute of Health for Well-being, the number of people affiliated with health services is 9076.
According to recent data, IMSS BIENESTAR has 46 people affiliated with health services throughout the national territory.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, the number of people affiliated to health services in a private institution is 1619.
The number of people affiliated with health services in another institution is 1654.

Single and Married population in Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua

In the town of Nuevo Casas Grandes, there are 15851 people over the age of 12 who have never been married or joined together.
The number of married or cohabiting people over 12 years old is 26575.
The number of people aged 12 and over who were married or in a union in the population is 6980.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, the population with Catholic religion is 48300.
The population of Protestant/Evangelical Christian religion in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 8778 people.
The number of inhabitants who follow religions other than the common ones is 17.
The number of people without religious affiliation in the total population is 4817 inhabitants.
The total number of census households is 19932, in the locality of Nuevo Casas Grandes.
Of the census households in Nuevo Casas Grandes, 7404 have a woman as the reference person.
The number of census households with a male reference person is 12528.
The number of people in census households is 61818, in general.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, the number of census households with a woman as the reference person is 21476.
It was found that in the studied population, 40342 census households have a male reference person.

Houses maps in the compunity of Nuevo Casas Grandes

The number of houses in this area is 23778.
The number of inhabited homes in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 19942.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes there is a total of 23074 private homes.
Currently there are 19238 privately owned houses occupied.
The total number of inhabited private homes with 19921 characteristics is significant in the area.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes there are 19932 privately owned homes that are inhabited in total.
The number of unoccupied private homes is 2726.
The temporary use of private homes is common in Nuevo Casas Grandes, with a total of 1110.
The number of people living in private homes is 61818.
The average number of people living in a private dwelling is 3.1.
In inhabited private homes, the average number of occupants per room is 0.75.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, there are 19862 private homes with flooring made of material other than dirt.
The 51% of inhabited private homes in Nuevo Casas Grandes have dirt floors.
The number of inhabited private households with one bedroom is 5382.
The number of privately owned homes inhabited with two or more bedrooms is greater than that of those with fewer bedrooms, with 14533 being the corresponding value.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, there are 390 privately owned homes inhabited with only one room.
1705% of the inhabited private homes in Nuevo Casas Grandes have two rooms.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, there is a total of 17821 inhabited private households with 3 rooms or more.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, the number of inhabited private households with access to electricity is 19857.
Of all the inhabited private dwellings in Nuevo Casas Grandes, 59% do not have electricity.
There are 19817 privately owned homes that have access to piped water within the home.
The public water service supplies 19699 privately owned homes with piped water.
This refers to private homes that are inhabited without access to piped water within the home 99.
Regarding the presence of water tanks in inhabited private homes, it is observed that 489% have them.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, there are 168 inhabited private homes that have a cistern or well.
Of the inhabited private dwellings, 19796 have a toilet or bathroom.
The majority of privately inhabited homes in this region have a latrine (pit or hole), with a percentage of 48%.
The percentage of privately inhabited homes with drainage in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 19830%.
The number of inhabited private homes without drainage in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 86.
The number of privately owned homes inhabited with basic services such as electricity, piped water from the public network, and drainage in Nuevo Casas Grandes is 19734.
The number of inhabited private homes without access to basic services such as electricity, piped water, and drainage is 11.
19779 households with drainage and sanitary facilities with water intake were registered in this sector.
The number of inhabited private households without a motor vehicle in this area is 4053.
In the region, a total of 40 inhabited private homes without any assets can be found.
The number of inhabited private households that have a refrigerator is 19510.
The percentage of inhabited private homes that have a washing machine is 18004%, in general.
Of the inhabited private dwellings, 14532% have a microwave oven.
15691% of the inhabited private dwellings in Nuevo Casas Grandes have a car or truck.
The number of private households inhabited by motorcycle or scooter is 1497.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, 3643% of inhabited private households use bicycles as a means of transportation.
Of the inhabited private dwellings, 14368% have a radio.
In comparison with other cities, Nuevo Casas Grandes has a high number of privately owned homes inhabited with a television, with a total of 19158.
Of the private homes in Nuevo Casas Grandes, 8310% have access to a computer, laptop or tablet.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, there are 6828 private homes with a landline telephone.
In inhabited private dwellings, 18702% have a cell phone.
11133% of inhabited private homes have internet connection.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, 11191% of inhabited private households have pay television service.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, 4134% of occupied private households have access to paid internet services for movies, music or videos.
A total of 2850 inhabited private households have a video game console.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, there are 329 privately owned homes that are inhabited without a radio or television.
In Nuevo Casas Grandes, there is a total of 639 private homes without a fixed telephone line or cell phone.
7541% of private homes in Nuevo Casas Grandes do not have a computer or internet.
In general, 92 private dwellings in Nuevo Casas Grandes do not have information and communication technologies (ICT).
The population of this locality is 10.