orange-cultivation.php Orange cultivation en Mexico - Mexico Facts

Orange cultivation

Mexican directory related to Orange cultivation, with mexvalue of 111310.

Orange cultivation in Mexico is a vital part of the country's agricultural economy. Mexico is one of the top orange-producing countries in the world, with the state of Veracruz being the largest producer.

The cultivation of oranges in Mexico dates back to the 16th century when the Spanish introduced orange trees to the country. Today, there are several varieties of oranges grown in Mexico, including Valencia, Navel, and Blood oranges.

Oranges are typically grown in warm, subtropical regions of Mexico, such as Veracruz, Tamaulipas, and Michoacán. The trees require sandy, well-drained soil and plenty of sunlight to thrive.

Farmers in Mexico use both traditional and modern methods to cultivate oranges. Traditional methods include handpicking the fruit and using donkeys to transport it to market. Modern methods involve the use of machines to harvest the oranges and transport them to processing plants.

Once harvested, oranges are processed into a variety of products, including juice, marmalade, and essential oils. The orange industry in Mexico provides employment for thousands of people and generates millions of dollars in revenue each year.

In conclusion, orange cultivation in Mexico is a significant industry that has a long history and continues to play an essential role in the country's economy. The high-quality oranges grown in Mexico are enjoyed by people all over the world and are an important source of income for farmers and businesses alike.

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