other-non-food-crops-greenhouses-protected-agricultural-structures.php Other non-food crops in greenhouses and other protected agricultural structures en Mexico - Mexico Facts

Other non-food crops in greenhouses and other protected agricultural structures

Mexican directory related to Other non-food crops in greenhouses and other protected agricultural structures, with mexvalue of 111429.

Mexico has a diverse agricultural industry, and non-food crops are also grown in greenhouses and other protected structures. Some of the popular non-food crops grown in Mexico's greenhouses include ornamental plants, flowers, and medicinal herbs. Ornamental plants such as roses, lilies, and chrysanthemums are grown in greenhouses and sold in local and international markets. These plants are used for decoration and landscaping purposes and are in high demand during special occasions such as weddings and festivals. Flowers such as carnations, gerberas, and daisies are also grown in greenhouses in Mexico. These flowers are used in the production of perfumes, cosmetics, and other beauty products. The demand for these flowers is increasing due to their unique fragrance and natural properties. Medicinal herbs such as chamomile, mint, and aloe vera are also grown in greenhouses. These herbs are used in the production of herbal medicines, supplements, and cosmetics. Due to their therapeutic properties, medicinal herbs are in high demand in both local and international markets. In addition to ornamental plants, flowers, and medicinal herbs, other non-food crops such as tobacco, cotton, and rubber are also grown in greenhouses and other protected structures in Mexico. These crops are used in the production of various industrial products such as textiles, tires, and plastics. Overall, the cultivation of non-food crops in greenhouses and other protected structures is an important component of Mexico's agricultural industry. It not only provides a diverse range of products for local and international markets but also contributes to the country's economy.

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