refrigerated-storage.php Refrigerated storage en Mexico - Mexico Facts

Refrigerated storage

Mexican directory related to Refrigerated storage, with mexvalue of 493120.

Refrigerated storage is an essential part of the cold chain process in Mexico. The country's economy heavily relies on the agriculture and food industry, and the demand for refrigerated storage continues to increase. Refrigerated storage facilities are commonly used to store perishable goods such as fruits, vegetables, dairy products, meat, and seafood. These facilities ensure that the products are kept at a specific temperature to maintain their quality and prevent spoilage. In Mexico, there are numerous refrigerated storage facilities available for businesses to utilize. These facilities offer different temperature ranges to cater to various products' needs, from -18°C to 18°C. Moreover, the refrigerated storage industry in Mexico has been growing in recent years, with new facilities being built and existing ones expanding. This growth is due to the increasing demand for cold storage solutions, not just in the food industry but also in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries. When choosing a refrigerated storage facility in Mexico, it is essential to consider various factors, such as the location, the facility's capacity, and the type of products that can be stored. It is also crucial to ensure that the facility complies with the required regulations and certifications. In conclusion, refrigerated storage plays a critical role in Mexico's economy, particularly in the agriculture and food industry. With the increasing demand for cold storage solutions, businesses can rely on the numerous refrigerated storage facilities available in the country to store their products safely and efficiently.

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