rice-cultivation.php rice cultivation en Mexico - Mexico Facts

rice cultivation

Mexican directory related to rice cultivation, with mexvalue of 111160.

Mexico is one of the world's largest producers of rice, with an estimated production of 250,000 tons annually. Rice cultivation in Mexico is mainly concentrated in the states of Sinaloa, Nayarit, and Morelos. The process of rice cultivation in Mexico typically begins with land preparation. The fields are plowed and leveled to ensure the even distribution of water. Farmers then use a special type of plow to create small ridges in the fields, which help to retain water during the growing season. Once the land is prepared, farmers plant the rice seeds. In Mexico, there are two main types of rice grown: Japonica and Indica. Japonica rice is typically grown in the cooler regions of the country, while Indica rice is grown in the warmer areas. Throughout the growing season, rice fields require a lot of water. Farmers use a system of canals and irrigation ditches to ensure that the rice plants receive enough water. They also use fertilizers and pesticides to promote healthy growth and protect the plants from pests and diseases. Harvesting typically takes place in the fall, when the rice plants have reached maturity. Farmers use special machines to cut and thresh the rice, separating the grains from the stalks. The rice is then dried in the sun and stored for later use. Rice is an important crop in Mexico, providing food and income for thousands of people. Despite challenges such as climate change and water scarcity, Mexican farmers continue to innovate and improve their rice cultivation practices, ensuring a sustainable future for this vital crop.

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