storage-agricultural-products-do-not-require-refrigeration.php Storage of agricultural products that do not require refrigeration en Mexico - Mexico Facts

Storage of agricultural products that do not require refrigeration

Mexican directory related to Storage of agricultural products that do not require refrigeration, with mexvalue of 493130.

When it comes to the storage of agricultural products in Mexico, there are many options available. For products that do not require refrigeration, such as grains, beans, and certain fruits and vegetables, there are several methods that farmers and producers can use to ensure the quality and longevity of their crops.

One popular method is to store these products in a dry and well-ventilated area. This can be a warehouse, a silo, or even a simple storage shed. The key is to keep the products dry and free from moisture, which can cause mold and spoilage. It's also important to keep the area clean and free from pests, such as rodents and insects.

Another option is to use airtight containers, such as metal drums or plastic bins, to store these products. This can help to prevent moisture and pests from getting in, and can also make it easier to transport the products to market. However, it's important to ensure that the containers are properly sealed and that the products are not compressed too tightly, which can cause damage.

For some products, such as onions and garlic, hanging them in a dry, cool, and well-ventilated area can be an effective storage method. This can help to prevent rot and extend the shelf life of the products.

Overall, there are many different storage methods that can be used for agricultural products that do not require refrigeration in Mexico. The key is to choose a method that is appropriate for the specific product, and to ensure that the storage area is clean, dry, and free from pests.

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