tuna-fishing.php Tuna fishing en Mexico - Mexico Facts

Tuna fishing

Mexican directory related to Tuna fishing, with mexvalue of 114112.

Tuna Fishing in Mexico:

When it comes to tuna fishing, Mexico is one of the best destinations in the world. With its long coastline and abundant marine life, Mexico has become a popular spot for anglers looking to catch some of the biggest and most delicious tuna in the world.

Tuna Species:

There are several species of tuna that can be found in Mexican waters, including yellowfin, bluefin, and skipjack. Yellowfin tuna is the most common species and can be found in the Pacific Ocean, Gulf of California, and the Sea of Cortez. Bluefin tuna, which is considered a delicacy, is found in the Pacific Ocean and Gulf of California. Skipjack tuna is the smallest of the three and can be found in the Pacific Ocean and Gulf of Mexico.

Best time to go tuna fishing:

The best time to go tuna fishing in Mexico is from October to May. During this time, the waters are warm and the tuna are abundant. The peak season for tuna fishing is from November to March when the waters are at their warmest.

Fishing Techniques:

There are several fishing techniques that are used for catching tuna in Mexico. One of the most popular methods is trolling, which involves dragging lures or bait behind a moving boat. Another technique is chumming, which involves throwing bait into the water to attract the fish. Jigging and casting are also effective techniques for catching tuna.

Fishing Regulations:

It is important to note that there are strict regulations when it comes to tuna fishing in Mexico. These regulations are in place to protect the tuna population and ensure sustainable fishing practices. Anglers are required to obtain a fishing permit and adhere to catch limits and size restrictions.


Tuna fishing in Mexico is an exciting and rewarding experience for anglers of all skill levels. With its beautiful coastline and abundance of tuna, Mexico is a top destination for those looking to catch some of the biggest and most delicious tuna in the world.

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