Facts of Nuevo Progreso, Tamaulipas

The {CHAT} chat has a total of {MESSAGES} messages sent.
The code of the federal entity is 28
The federal entity Tamaulipas is located in the central region of Mexico.
The record with the code 33 corresponds to a specific territorial demarcation.
The territorial demarcation Río Bravo is well defined.
The locality code is 291, which allows for the precise identification of each locality within its municipality or territorial demarcation.
The local community is mainly dedicated to agriculture.
In the chat, {NUM} active users have been registered.
The geographical point of the locality is {LONGITUDE} in longitude west of the Greenwich meridian.
The latitude of the city is {LATITUDE}.
The altitude of the town is {ALTITUDE} meters above sea level.
The population that did not specify their age is included in the total number of 10272 inhabitants.
In the town Nuevo Progreso, 5115 women reside there on a regular basis.
A total of 5157 men were registered in private homes without information about occupants.

Population Map Nuevo Progreso

In the city of Nuevo Progreso, there is a total of 581 boys and girls between the ages of 0 and 2 years old.
The female population from 0 to 2 years old is 305.
According to statistics, the population of male children between 0 and 2 years old is 276 throughout the country.
In this town, the number of people aged 3 and older is 9677.
The female population aged 3 years and over is 4803 people.
The number of men over 3 years old in the population is 4874.
Of the people who live here, 9262 are 5 years old or older.
The number of women in the population who are 5 years old or older is 4600.
In Nuevo Progreso, the male population aged 5 and over is 4662 people.
The number of people aged 12 or older in this region is 7869.
The number of women over 11 years old in Nuevo Progreso is 3908.
The male population aged 12 or older is 3961, according to the data.
The adult population in this area is 7298 people.
In the female population of Nuevo Progreso over 15 years old, there are 3656 women.
The male population over 15 years old in Nuevo Progreso is 3642.
Of the {PBL} people living in this city, 6726 are over 18 years old.
In Nuevo Progreso, there are 3362 women over 18 years old.
The male population aged 18 and over is 3364.
The child population aged 3 to 5 years old in the locality is 624 inhabitants.
The number of girls aged 3 to 5 years in the population is 314 females.
The male population aged 3 to 5 years old is 310 in the locality.
The number of boys and girls between 6 and 11 years old in the population is 1184.
The number of women between 6 and 11 years old is 581 in the region.
In the city of Nuevo Progreso, there are 603 children between 6 and 11 years old.
The number of people between 8 and 14 years old in the population is 1372.
In the city of Nuevo Progreso, there are 642 women aged 8 to 14 years old.
The number of males between 8 and 14 years old in the population is 730.
Throughout the country, the population of 12 to 14 year olds is 571 inhabitants.
The number of women aged 12 to 14 years old in this population is 252.
The number of males between 12 and 14 years of age in the population is 319.
In the last decade, the population of 15 to 17-year-olds has increased by {PERCENTAGE}%.
The female population aged 15 to 17 years old in Nuevo Progreso is 294 people.
There are 278 males in the population aged between 15 and 17 years old.
Out of a total of {PBL} people, 1207 are between 18 and 24 years old.
In Nuevo Progreso, there are 598 women between 18 and 24 years old.
In the city of Nuevo Progreso, there are 609 men aged 18 to 24 years old.
It is estimated that there are 2614 women of reproductive age in the area.
There is a total of 1080 people aged 60 or older in this area.
The number of women aged 60 and over in the population is 538.
The number of men aged 60 or older in this population is 542.
In Nuevo Progreso there are 100.82 men for every 100 women.
The number of people aged 0 to 14 in Nuevo Progreso is 2960.
The economically active population in Nuevo Progreso is 6582 people between 15 and 64 years old.
The number of people over 65 years old is 716 in the population.
The number of people between 0 and 4 years old in this area is 996.
The number of women between 0 and 4 years old in the population is 508.
Males aged 0 to 4 years old have a total of 488 in the population.
The number of boys and girls between 5 and 9 years old in this city is 968.
The population of females aged 5 to 9 years in Nuevo Progreso is 482 inhabitants.
Of the 486 children between 5 and 9 years old, {PORCENTAJE}% live in Nuevo Progreso.
Of the inhabitants of Nuevo Progreso, {PORC}% are boys and girls between 10 and 14 years old.
The female population aged 10 to 14 represents {PORCENTAJE}% of the total population.
The group of 10 to 14-year-old boys in Nuevo Progreso is composed of 534 individuals.
The number of people between 15 and 19 years old is 972 in this locality. ¿Do you need more information about Mexico? Visit MexFacts com, and you will find it
In the city of Nuevo Progreso, the female population aged 15 to 19 is 494.
In Nuevo Progreso, there are 478 men between 15 and 19 years old.
The population group of 20 to 24 years old represents {PORC}% of the total population.
The number of women between 20 and 24 years old is 398 in this location.
The number of men between 20 and 24 years old in Nuevo Progreso is 409.
It is estimated that there are approximately 734 people in the age range of 25 to 29 years old in this city.
The number of women aged 25 to 29 is 388, according to the records.
In the age range of 25 to 29 years old, there are 346 men in the population.
In comparison with other cities in the region, Nuevo Progreso has a population of 30 to 34-year-olds above average with 709 inhabitants.
The number of women in the age range of 30 to 34 years old is 352.
The number of men aged 30 to 34 in this area is 357.
The employment rate for people aged 35 to 39 in Nuevo Progreso is {TASA_EMPLEO_35A39}%.
The proportion of women aged 35 to 39 in the total population is 367%.
The number of men between 35 and 39 years old in Nuevo Progreso is 319.
In this city, the population of 40 to 44 year olds is 667 inhabitants.
The female population aged between 40 and 44 years old in this locality is 316.
The male population aged 40 to 44 represents {PORC}% of the total population.
In the city of Nuevo Progreso, the population of people between 45 and 49 years old is 583 individuals.
The number of women aged 45 to 49 in the female population is 299.
The proportion of men aged 45 to 49 in the population is {PORCENTAJE}% and corresponds to 284 people.
In this community there are 620 individuals aged between 50 and 54 years old.
There is a total of 287 women between the ages of 50 and 54 in this area.
The number of men in the age range of 50 to 54 years old is 333.
The population of people aged between 55 and 59 years old in Nuevo Progreso is 440 inhabitants.
In Nuevo Progreso, there are 217 women between 55 and 59 years old.
The number of men aged 55 to 59 in the population is 223.
The population of Nuevo Progreso between 60 and 64 years old is 364 individuals.
Women aged 60 to 64 in the population total 181 people.
The number of men between 60 and 64 years old in the population is greater than the number of women of the same age, with a total of 183 men and {P_60A64_F} women.
The age group from 65 to 69 years represents 254% of the total population.
The number of women aged 65 to 69 is higher than that of men in the same age group, with a total of 126 women.
The group of men between 65 and 69 years old has a population of 128, according to the census carried out.
The number of women aged 70 to 74 in the population is 168, while that of men is 168.
Regarding the female population, there are 84 women who are in the age range of 70 to 74 years old.
In the city of Nuevo Progreso, the male population aged 70 to 74 is 84.
The population of people aged 75 to 79 is 136, according to the collected data.
Among elderly women, the number of those between 75 and 79 years old is 72 individuals.
The group of men aged 75 to 79 years in Nuevo Progreso has a population of 64 individuals.
The population group aged 80 to 84 years old has 101 individuals in this area.
In the city of Nuevo Progreso, there are 49 women between 80 and 84 years old.
The number of men aged 80 to 84 in the population is 52, according to the collected data.
Life expectancy has increased so much that there are now 57 people aged 85 or over in the population.
The number of women aged 85 and over in the population is 26.
There is a total of 31 men aged 85 or older in the population.

Birth Statistics in Nuevo Progreso, Tamaulipas

The result of the division between the total number of live births and the number of women aged 12 to 130 years old is 2.49.
The population born in the 7266 entity is {PBL} inhabitants.
In Nuevo Progreso, {PBL} women born in the state of 3582 are registered.
The federal entity has 3684 men born there.
The number of people born in another state is 2377 in total.
Of the women who live here, 1224 are originally from another state.
In Nuevo Progreso there are 1153 men who were born in another state within the Mexican federation.
The number of people residing in the federal entity in March 2015, including the population aged 5 years and older, was 8874 inhabitants in Nuevo Progreso.
In the entity in question, the female population aged 5 years and over who lived there in March 2015 amounted to 4427.
By the year 2015, there were 4447 men over 5 years old living in the federal entity.
The population of 5 years and older who lived in another federal entity in March 2015 was 211 people.
In Nuevo Progreso, there were a total of 114 women over 5 years old who resided in another entity in March 2015. ¿Do you need more information about Mexico? Visit MexFacts com, and you will find it
In March 2015, there were 97 men aged 5 or older residing in another federal entity.

Nuevo Progreso and Indigneous Population

The number of inhabitants in this area who speak an indigenous language and are 3 years old or older is 254.
The number of women aged 3 years and older who speak an indigenous language is 126.
The male population who speaks any indigenous language aged 3 years and older is 128.
In Nuevo Progreso, there are 1 people who speak an indigenous language and do not speak Spanish.
The number of women aged 3 years and older who speak some indigenous language and do not speak Spanish is 0.
Of the men aged 3 years and older in the region, 1 do not speak Spanish and speak some indigenous language.
Of the total population of {PBL} people, 251 speak some indigenous language and Spanish.
According to the collected data, 125 women in this region speak Spanish and some indigenous language, and are 3 years old or older.
Of the men aged 3 years or older in this area, 126 speak some indigenous language and Spanish.
In Nuevo Progreso, 254 people reside who speak some indigenous language and are 5 years or older.
Of the total population of {PBL}, 1 speak some indigenous language and do not speak Spanish.
The number of people who speak an indigenous language and Spanish in the population of 5 years and older in Nuevo Progreso is 251.
The number of indigenous census households in the area is 590, according to census data.
In Nuevo Progreso, there is a total of 63 people who identify as Afro-Mexican or Afro-descendant.
The percentage of Afro-Mexican women in the total population is 36%.
Of the male population in Mexico, 27 are considered Afro-Mexican or Afro-descendants.

People with disabilities in Nuevo Progreso

In Nuevo Progreso, there are 707 people with disabilities.
In Nuevo Progreso there is a population with disabilities to walk, climb or descend of 330 people.
Of the total population of {PBL}, approximately 305% corresponds to people with disabilities to see, even when using glasses.
There are 117 people in Nuevo Progreso who have problems speaking or communicating.
The number of people with hearing disabilities, even when using hearing aids in Nuevo Progreso, is 134 individuals.
According to the data collected, 129 individuals have difficulties dressing, bathing, or eating.
The number of people in Nuevo Progreso who have difficulties remembering or concentrating is 112.
The presence of limitations in Nuevo Progreso is evidenced in the population of 1178 people.
In Nuevo Progreso, there are 322 people with limitations to walk, climb or descend.
In Nuevo Progreso, the number of people with limitations to see, even when using glasses, is 777.
The percentage of people with limitations to speak or communicate in the population is 69%.
In the population, it has been recorded that 184 people have difficulty hearing, despite using a hearing aid.
It has been identified that 33 people in the population have difficulties performing simple tasks such as dressing, bathing or eating.
According to records, there is a total of 230 people in the population with limitations in remembering or concentrating.
It is estimated that 162 people in the population have some mental problem or condition that affects their daily life.
En comparación con otras ciudades, Nuevo Progreso tiene una población con un número menor de personas con discapacidades o limitaciones, con un total de 8296. Translation: In comparison to other cities, Nuevo Progreso has a population with a lower number of people with disabilities or limitations, with a total of 8296.

Nuevo Progreso, Tamaulipas and Education

The school attendance rate in the population of 3 to 5 years old is {TASA_ESC}%, which indicates that there are a total of 347 boys and girls who do not attend school.
The variable 157 indicates the female population of 3 to 5 years who do not attend school.
In the children's population of Nuevo Progreso, 190 children between the ages of 3 and 5 do not attend school.
The number of 6 to 11-year-old individuals who do not attend school in this locality is 66.
Of the women under 12 years old in this area, 27 are not receiving formal education.
There are 39 children between the ages of 6 and 11 who do not attend school in this locality.
Of the total population of {PBL} in Nuevo Progreso, {PORC}% are 12 to 14 year olds who do not attend school.
The percentage of 12 to 14-year-old girls who do not attend school throughout the country is 36%.
The percentage of 12 to 14-year-old boys who do not attend school is {PERCENTAGE}% of the total male population of that age.
The percentage of the population aged 15 to 17 who attend school is 353%.
The number of women between 15 and 17 years old who attend school in this locality is 187.
The number of men who attend school and are between 15 and 17 years old is 166.
The number of people between 18 and 24 years old who attend school in this area is 239.
The number of women aged 18 to 24 attending school in Nuevo Progreso is 117, according to the collected data.
Of the men from Nuevo Progreso, 122% are in the age range of 18 to 24 years old and attend school.
Of the total population of {PBL} inhabitants, 54 correspond to boys and girls between 8 and 14 years old who do not have literacy skills.
The number of young women between 8 and 14 years old who do not have reading and writing skills is 20.
The number of men between 8 and 14 years old who cannot read or write in Nuevo Progreso is 34.
In the area, a total of 417 people aged 15 or older who cannot read or write were registered.
There are 254 women over 15 years old who cannot read or write in this area.
Of the men over 15 years old in the population, 163 do not have the ability to read or write.
In the population of {PBL} people in Nuevo Progreso, 527 have not completed any level of education or only have preschool level.
According to the collected data, in Nuevo Progreso there are 292 women over 15 years old who have not attended school.
The number of men over 15 years old without schooling in the population is 235.
The variable 1086 includes all individuals aged 15 and over who did not complete their primary education.
The variable 544 indicates that there is a significant number of women over 15 years old with incomplete primary education.
In the city of Nuevo Progreso, there are 542 men aged 15 or older who did not complete primary school in their formal education.
The number of people over 15 years old with completed primary education amounts to 1490.
The number of women with completed primary education is 729 among the female population aged 15 and over.
In Nuevo Progreso, the number of men over 15 years old with complete primary education is 761.
The number of people aged 15 and over with incomplete secondary education in the region is 425.
The number of women aged 15 and over with incomplete secondary education is 175 in this population.
The number of men aged 15 and over with incomplete secondary education is 250.
In the population of 15 years or older, 1778 people have completed their secondary education.
Of women over 15 years old, 949 have completed secondary education.
The variable 829 indicates the number of men aged 15 and over who have completed high school.
The population of 1760 with post-basic education is important in the region.
The number of women aged 18 and over with post-secondary education is 835.
The population of men with post-secondary education in this locality is 925 in total.
The average years of schooling in the area is 7.76.
The average education level of the female population is 7.65.
The average educational level of men is 7.86.

Active Workers in Nuevo Progreso

In Nuevo Progreso, the economically active population over 12 years old is 5126.
According to the data, there are 1936 women over the age of 12 who are employed or seeking employment.
The population of economically active men over 12 years of age in Nuevo Progreso is 3190.
In Nuevo Progreso, there are 2711 people over the age of 12 who are not currently employed.
The inactive female population aged 12 years and over is 1964, according to the collected data.
The male population who do not work and are 12 years old or older is 747.
In Nuevo Progreso, the employed population aged 12 years and over is 4986 people.
The female population aged 12 and over who are employed is 1902.
The number of employed men over the age of 12 is 3084 people.
The population of 140 unemployed persons aged 12 and over is significant in the region.
The number of women over 12 years old without employment is 34.
In this locality, the unemployed male population over the age of 12 is 106 people.

The community of Nuevo Progreso and healthing services

Unfortunately, 5227 individuals in this locality do not have access to health services.
The population with health services is 5026 people.
In the city of Nuevo Progreso, there are 1057 people affiliated with IMSS to receive health services.
The ISSSTE has a population affiliated with health services from 137 throughout the country.
The number of people affiliated with the state ISSSTE in Nuevo Progreso is 3.
In the Nuevo Progreso area, the number of people affiliated with health services in PEMEX, Defense or Navy is 7.
At the Institute of Health for Well-being, the number of people affiliated with health services is 3716.
In comparison with other health institutions, IMSS BIENESTAR has an affiliated population of 29, which reflects its commitment to quality medical care.
In this area, the number of people affiliated to health services in a private institution is 37.
In Nuevo Progreso, 77 people are affiliated with health services in another institution.

Single and Married population in Nuevo Progreso, Tamaulipas

The number of single or never married individuals over the age of 12 in the population is 2411.
The percentage of people over 12 years old who are married or in a union is 4333%.
In the population, 1124 people aged 12 and over were married or in a union.
In Nuevo Progreso, the population with Catholic religion is 4802.
The Protestant/Evangelical Christian religious group in Nuevo Progreso has 3505 members.
The number of inhabitants who follow religions other than the common ones is 8.
The population without religion in this territory represents 1933% of the total inhabitants.
A total of 2726 households have been registered in Nuevo Progreso.
In Nuevo Progreso there are 779 census households with a female reference person.
Of the census households counted, 1947 have a man as the reference person.
According to census data, the population in households is 10239. ¿Do you need more information about Mexico? Visit MexFacts com, and you will find it
In Nuevo Progreso, there are 2866 census households with a woman as the reference person.
The variable PHOGJEF_M indicates the number of census households with a male reference person, and in this case it is 7373.

Houses maps in the compunity of Nuevo Progreso

The total number of homes is 3316.
The total number of inhabited houses in this area is 2729.
The total number of private households is 2891.
The number of inhabited households is 2304.
The total number of inhabited private homes with 2699 characteristics is significant in the area.
2726 private homes inhabited in this region have been registered.
According to the records, there are 324 private homes that are vacant.
In Nuevo Progreso, there are private temporary residences, with a total of 263.
The number of people living in private homes is 10239.
The number of people who normally inhabit a particular dwelling is 3.76.
The average number of occupants per room in inhabited private households in Nuevo Progreso is 1.22.
Private homes inhabited in Nuevo Progreso have a floor made of a material other than earth in 2633 cases.
The most common type of flooring in privately inhabited homes in Nuevo Progreso is dirt flooring, present in 62 households.
Private homes occupied with one bedroom total 1128.
In this area, 70% of inhabited private households have two or more bedrooms, which is equivalent to 1566.
In the city of Nuevo Progreso, the number of inhabited private households with only one room is 356.
The number of inhabited private dwellings with two rooms is 591.
The majority of privately inhabited homes in Nuevo Progreso have at least 3 rooms, with a total of 1747 households in this category.
The inhabited private dwellings that have electricity in this region are 2683.
The number of inhabited private dwellings without electricity is 11.
In Nuevo Progreso, there are 2683 inhabited private dwellings that have access to piped water inside the dwelling.
In the city, there are 2654 inhabited private homes that have access to piped water and are supplied by the public water service.
Private homes inhabited in the 11 housing area do not have piped water supply.
In Nuevo Progreso, 827% of inhabited private homes have a water tank.
In this area, there are 239 households that have a cistern or water tank.
2336% of inhabited private homes have a separate toilet or bathroom.
In this residential area, it is estimated that 335% of inhabited private households have a latrine (well or pit).
The percentage of privately inhabited homes with drainage in Nuevo Progreso is 2399%.
In Nuevo Progreso there is a total of 295 inhabited private households without drainage.
In Nuevo Progreso, there are 2391 inhabited private homes that have access to electricity, piped water from the public network, and drainage.
According to records, 2 inhabited private homes lack basic services such as electricity, piped water, and drainage.
2319 households with drainage and sanitary facilities with water intake were registered in this sector.
The number of inhabited private households without a motor vehicle in this area is 908.
The number of inhabited private homes without any assets in the area is 13.
In Nuevo Progreso, there are 2489 inhabited private homes that have a refrigerator.
The average of inhabited private households that have a washing machine in Nuevo Progreso is 2043, which indicates a good quality of life in the city.
Of the inhabited private dwellings, 1345% have a microwave oven.
In Nuevo Progreso, 1768% of inhabited private homes have a car or truck.
The number of private households inhabited by motorcycle or scooter is 125.
Of the inhabited private dwellings, 1170% use the bicycle as a means of transportation.
In comparison with other cities, Nuevo Progreso has a high proportion of owner-occupied housing units with radio, 1736%.
In Nuevo Progreso, there are 2542 private households with a television.
Of the private homes in Nuevo Progreso, 506% have access to a computer, laptop or tablet.
In Nuevo Progreso, there are 554 private homes with a landline telephone.
The number of occupied private households with a cell phone is 2474.
The private homes inhabited with access to the Internet in Nuevo Progreso represent 896% of the total. ¿Do you need more information about Mexico? Visit MexFacts com, and you will find it
Pay television service is available in 497 inhabited private homes.
In Nuevo Progreso, 238% of occupied private households have access to paid internet services for movies, music or videos.
In this locality, the number of inhabited private homes with video game consoles is 200.
75 households in Nuevo Progreso do not have a radio or television.
The number of inhabited private households without a fixed telephone line or cell phone in Nuevo Progreso is 180.
In Nuevo Progreso, there are 1661 private households without a computer or Internet.
In Nuevo Progreso, a total of 27 private households are inhabited without information and communication technologies (ICT).
The population of Nuevo Progreso is approximately 7 inhabitants.